every type of fiction, no matter how disturbing, has the right to exist. rule 34 of the internet. we all find some things uncomfortable, best thing to do is click away. let's all be mature enough to click away eg women reading rape stories and having rape fantasies doesn't mean they actually want to be SA'd... you know that, right. RIGHT??

Ofcourse, I click away when I don't like something, when a story is bad or when rape is being used as a writing tool. Whatever, rape is just an example I'm using here. Tbh, you missed the point, no matter the crime, fictional or not has the right to be deemed a crime and be recognised and spoken about as bad. I'm just talking about how some wimps here will just be like "well thats fine becuase its fiction." And simply deny and refuse to except that what is being depicted IS a bad thing.

It's also a double standard. You see people gush over positive traits of stories all the time, talking about setting up standards and such. That's a direct affect of reading a fictional story they liked affecting their irl attitude about relationships or situation. But for some reason talking about the bad traits of a story gets everyone talking about how it's just fiction. It's always the people getting turned on by fictional assault that be saying "it's just fiction!"

Liking something in fiction doesn’t mean you support it in real life. Fiction taps into emotion, not literal desire. In stories with SA, it’s often about the fantasy of being wanted so intensely that someone won’t stop, even when pushed away—not about endorsing the act itself. People love horror but don’t want to be hunted down. We enjoy fear, even when it’s rooted in something awful. Hell, people even romanticize killers—Scream, You, Hannibal—and no one thinks they want to be murdered.
I really dislike people who argue and write things off just saying it's "fiction". Fiction inspires reality and reality inspires fiction. I just think it's such a stupid excuse for readers who support insane stories depicting some not so good things, may it be constant rape and abuse, diregarding religion, etc or anything tbh. It's such a weak excuse, just say "hey well, this what we want to read. This is some peoples interest." And I'd be fine with that excuse becuase yes, people are allowed to have their own picks.
But sayings it's fine just because it's fiction is so ridiculous and ignorant. No matter how "fiction" a story is, the phenomena depicted, or what it is based on, remains as real as it is.