I mean, he didn't asked those attentions from that shit, he tried running and going to the mc bc he has a crush on him, while the mc was being beaten by his own stalker (cause that man is mad asf) he had a panic attack because there was no leaving from there. It's sad because he was bullied since day 1 and had to resist to the psycho actions. All while being poor and having his grandma in hospital (Kim dan like)

Taesan is a high schooler with a sick grandma. You are talking as if he intentionally caused mc's fall. How could he knew that psycho would push him? The only person who showed affection to him was mc (It wasn't even affection mc basically just deceived him). So as a result he got attached to him, thought him as a friend. He didn't transferred because it's not easy as you think. Either you never experienced high school before or you are just someone ignorant. Mc is a violence victim too but not as much as Taesan. And no! He is nowhere near like the mc. Even their circumstances are totally different. If you think and see taesan as a deceiver and not a victim, you need to get therapy about emphaty.

he knew his stalker was gonna hurt him tho, and he was literally given the opportunity to move to another school and get a better life lol, you’re over looking it.
You’re calling me ignorant but the character youre defending literally selfishly went to the mc because he liked him bfr, and you’re calling me a shitty person whilst youre comparing two victims, dang bro you must be mentally fucked LOL the audacity to moan to me and tell me to get therapy when youre comparing victims of abuse is madddd.
Also you should learn how to read and make a proper argument cuz i can tell how much brainrot youre consuming cuz all I said was taesan isn’t fully innocent he also stated that he was wrong and we all knew he isn’t fully innocent.
Fucking dumbass go school and learn to read and make proper assumptions.
Taesan is the only victim here.. :,(