Ah...this chapters really hitted close home. Torres work, specially Untitled(perfect lovers) is my favourite piece of all times. I remember being a 18 years old back in 2016, from a small village studying art. At that time I was that art lover that only relate to realistic or figurative art. One day at first year my professor asked: what do you do to represent love?
Of course everyone had their own opinion even myself, as wanna be artist everyone started to devated but the professor reamined silence. The next thing i remember was an image of two clocks and how it changed me as a person and most importantly, as an artist. Then he started to explain the context of the piece and everyone started crying. He made it. Two clocks. just like that. Torres was able to encapsulate love. Since then, and all my pieces throw out collage were less and less figurative and just like yatora i end up doing installations.
Now, as a 26 year old i'm finding myself crying again because of this chapter. Why? Because just like Mori I no longer make art as a living, and I relate to her and all this comments about playing safe. There's is a saying about ballet.
- "A dancer dies twice once when they stop dancing and this first death is the more painful"
I felt the same with art, and seeing yaotora broken while mori is smiling it was the perfect representation of how I'm feeling right now as an artist and as a future art teacher.
what a master piece is this manga. It will always be in my heart.
Ah...this chapters really hitted close home. Torres work, specially Untitled(perfect lovers) is my favourite piece of all times. I remember being a 18 years old back in 2016, from a small village studying art. At that time I was that art lover that only relate to realistic or figurative art. One day at first year my professor asked: what do you do to represent love?
Of course everyone had their own opinion even myself, as wanna be artist everyone started to devated but the professor reamined silence. The next thing i remember was an image of two clocks and how it changed me as a person and most importantly, as an artist. Then he started to explain the context of the piece and everyone started crying. He made it. Two clocks. just like that. Torres was able to encapsulate love. Since then, and all my pieces throw out collage were less and less figurative and just like yatora i end up doing installations.
Now, as a 26 year old i'm finding myself crying again because of this chapter. Why? Because just like Mori I no longer make art as a living, and I relate to her and all this comments about playing safe. There's is a saying about ballet.
- "A dancer dies twice once when they stop dancing and this first death is the more painful"
I felt the same with art, and seeing yaotora broken while mori is smiling it was the perfect representation of how I'm feeling right now as an artist and as a future art teacher.
what a master piece is this manga. It will always be in my heart.