Either you are naive, delusional or willingly ignorant. Because there is bad writers, plenty really. Especially in the smut BL genre of comics, which basically the entire community is aware of.
Mind you, many people start as bad writers anyway, that's how things are.
I am not 'harrassing' anyone btw, that word has a specific meaning which does in no way apply to my post or words. I'm writing a critique-type review of what I observed while reading.
And people do not need to read all 89 chapters of a story to find obvious writing faults and issues that are present from the very start. That's a nonsensical comment to make and reading further which shows no rhyme, reason or betterment is something I and many others will not waste time with.

Petty? I think you should stop using words you don't know the meaning of. Or maybe you just have no rebuttle. Who knows. XD
And calling people idiots for not loving a comic you are so die-hard trying to defend is honestly hilarious. Especially since the flaws are so damn obvious. Really shows the substance behind your defense of this comic's writing. ^^
Btw: Just because people are capable of reading something and able to identify the issues and speak about them, doesn't mean they have no right to read or comment about the comic.
The comments section is not only for positive, thoughtless hype comments, in case you aren't aware.
If you aren't capable of being mature enough for this. maybe YOU should be the one to stop reading comments. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

What do you want me to say then? Your comments are inaccurate to what the story actually represents! You just make comments to make you feel better about yourself and all the while harassing the ones who poured hours of hard work and dedication into this story
Like why are they even judged by a nobody who can’t even read and is actually just a bot ?

Again; stop using words you do not know the meaning of. You have done this multiple times now, with multiple different words. You should pick up a dictionary at this point before writing. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
I will make this as simple as can be: Anyone, putting anything in the public eye is fair game for critique.
That is a simple fact and the BASICS of writing and being a reader. The fact you don't know or understand something so simple is worrisome. ( ̄∇ ̄")
You act like a literal child who thinks they are so mature and know it all. Which is embarrassing and I honestly hope you change your ways someday.
Best of luck with that.

I don't think the writer is bad at all because I don't cry at the any emotional scene at all when I read stuff like this but when I read the part where leads were parting way , I cried so much. To be able to make a person cry from their writing plus art skills , is definitely a talented person/ author. The ml was a fool , he didn't understand the word love at all , his feelings like jealousy, misunderstanding, love , he thought of it was a foreign alien. Being born to be king , he learnt everything but not love . He was so retrained to admit that he was in love . I knew when I was reading in between that unless the mc disappear he won't understand his feelings. He mc too was a big pushover and with him being weak since birth made him more weak. These two trying to love each other was a difficult journey too. What I am trying to say the author did a great job making this added to much complex emotions and all.
Why you hated this is simply because you can't handle this type of manhwa nothing else.

None of this has anything to do with 'being able to handle the story'.
This is the most basic of writings. I am not sure what sort of standards you have but mine are high since I have been reading for nearly two decades and know full well what good writing looks like. And even just the beginning of the story is badly written. It did not get better, hence why I stopped reading.
I don't care if you found it nice. That has nothing to do with the issues i was talking about. Nor does it erase the issues.
The author had a great setup for a stody but did not utilize it. That is my issue here, not me 'not being able to handle it' because of whatever reason you have in your mind.
If you liked the story, that's fine. But I have higher standards for what I call good or well-written. And this story didn't check the boxes for that.

Well I can understand what you are talking about cause I have been reading for more than , the two decades you said. But it has nothing to got with your high standards and dissing the author. They did as much as they could , some author give their all till the end and some not. Since you mentioned you stopped reading, that means you didn't read it all and don't know their full chemistry. Just judging by reading some few chapters is pretty low . At first I also thought that this might be boring and all but after reading it all , it was all good. I have read almost all the historical bl manhwa on mangago , and so far this was pretty good for me . I don't know how high standards your standards are but for me this is good and well written.

I wasn't dissing the author. Critiquing bad writing choices and faults is NOT 'dissing'.
And it DOES have everything to do with standards being high or not. That's precisely what dictates a person's reaction to reading something. And if the standards one has are high, they will most likely not find this good.
Their chemistry doesn't matter in any of this, that tiny factor is irrelevant, they are smut protagonists so of course they will have some chemistry at some point.
People care for a story being a good read at ALL times, not just 5 minutes here and there.
This is about the writing as a whole.
The story, the behavior of characters, the logic, the tropes used, writing choices to create moments or drive the story, etc.. Hence why people do NOT need to read the entire story to point out flaws or issues or realize the writing of an author being good or bad.
If you were truly an older reader than me (which I doubt for multiple reasons), you would know that and that the writing as a whole needs to be judged, not some emotional moments, and that they do not in any way make issues around them disappear just because they managed to make you emotional.
So no, you do not need to read the entire story to make a post like mine. Because from chapter 4 onwward and even after ca. 20 chapters, the story generally did NOT show any decent writing skills or choices. Hence why my post was negative and talks about wasted potential for what the plot was at it's core setup.

Well I most likely don't not have much to read of historical bl genre. If I look up at for high standards then I'll most likely have nothing to read . In my case if I don't not find that the starting part is not good , I read it from in between to make sure it's a good read . I am sure your are a big thinker , but something writing needs to make emotions too , monotone and unemotional writing, yeah I have read them like in few hours . If I judge on stories like you , then I'll most likely have to create a story myself. There's not much of bl historical genre left on mangago for me to read . At starting, I also used to skip this one manhwa from all the things you mentioned but then I read it up from on between, liked it and started to read it from the chapter I had left and of course I liked it.

Dissing has a set meaning, none of what I said applies to that word.
If you lierally skip parts you do not like and admit to reading whatever just so you HAVE something to read, then you honestly have no footing in this conversation to begin with and I'm confused as to why you even chimed in tbh.
You can factually not say that this story is good if you skip parts and just focus on the few moments you like.
At this point this conversation is over for me, because talking to you about the writing of this being bad is nonsensical if you neither know what I'm talking about, how judging writing works or the fact you skip half the parts because you admit you don't like them (which by the way proves my point in me saying the writing of this is factually bad).
Have a good day but you REALLY need to change your way of consuming stories if THIS is your standards. They are actually low if this is how you go about thing. Or at least stop arguing with people that know how to correctly judge writing.

You really are hectic, cause you only focus on the point I wrote, you took attention on. I clearly wrote there , I read in between part then I start to read it from the start or where I left it again. You being overly sensitive to words and writing so long just to clarify your talk is very low too, you know. Keep saying your standards are high , must means they are really low , cause you keep reminding of them . You don't need to say or show other if your standards are high or not. I don't judge just by reading from the start like you, you must have a mini notebook next to you , recording all pros and cons. Every people are different with different writing style , if everyone has the same way it will be hella boring. I am not saying that this manhwa is very good , no. 1 or deserve a award but that doesn't mean that this manhwa is a absolute worthless potential and whatever you wrote in your review. Discouraging other to read this with just reading few chapters of this manhwa is really really low of you. Being overly confident that your judging is right is really low too. Don't reply me back if this comment really offended you but as you stated your mind I did too.
Don't bother reading this. This is absolute wasted potential.
The base story is really interesting, the boy being abused and wanting to leave by any means and the cruel prince that takes an interest in him because he's different.
But the plot is entirely ruined by going for literally bloody rape, just 'cause.
This could have been SO good if the author had went with a plot that had the ML be intrigued because the boy is so fearless and naive or just boldly speaks what he's asked. But no, we are going the shitty route of rape.
Usually I can excuse the use of this shitty, low hanging fruit trope for bad writers. But this was just lazy and unnecessary. Going for an actual story would have been better than making this a typical smut fuckfest by any means and without care, which completely ruined it.
It was nice for 3 chapters and then went to shit. So I'm not gonna waste my time with this even if the art is decent.
I'd rather write my own version of this story than read this and hope for a sliver of better writing or let alone REASON for the ML.
Just nope.
This is only fap material for people with a questionable version of a rape kink and that ain't for me. So you do you, but I'm out.