I wanna read March 25, 2025 6:24 pm

HOW FUCKING LUCKY ARE YOU RIFTAN, HOW FUCKING LUCKY YOU ARE. Maxi is a Nymph, she's the goddess of fall personified. CHANGE MY FUCKING MIND.

I don't care for people hating on this manwha, but if you hate on Maxi. I don't fucking trust you with anything and FUCK YOU.

Ik people hate on her and judge her bc she's so pretty and dainty and cute. PEOPLE THINK SHE'S WEAK BC SHE'S MEEK AND EASILY SCARED BUT DUH MF, she was abused, locked up, and neglected all her life. Of course she wouldn't have any self-esteem, she hated herself. SHE WASN'T GIVEN A CHANCE BY ANYONE TO KNOW HER OWN STRENGTHS AND HER OWN WORTH. AND FUCK U IF YOU JUDGE HER JUST BC SHE'S CUTE, THAT'S NOT WHO SHE REALLY IS.

    Nauthiz3105 March 25, 2025 9:37 pm

    This would be Riftan if he came to life and saw any hate towards Maxi

    Leesunbae March 26, 2025 10:20 am
    This would be Riftan if he came to life and saw any hate towards Maxi Nauthiz3105

    Ya lmao