I'll be back letting it marinate some more...

Beaniebby March 25, 2025 6:00 pm

I come every once and awhile to see how much is updated & skim some comments. Before I start on season 2. I already know my opinions will be unpopular and cause WW3 in the comments I can see the windmilling now .... I might just wait & do an overview comment once the season ends.

    Louniya March 25, 2025 6:06 pm

    U can’t throw this bomb and expect us to wait for the updates and ur unpopular opinion (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. Just give it to us raw

    Beaniebby March 25, 2025 7:11 pm
    U can’t throw this bomb and expect us to wait for the updates and ur unpopular opinion (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. Just give it to us raw Louniya

    I just don't want nobody to come in try to knock my head off. Cause if I didn't learn nothing else on this site I learned people gets angry when your opinion is different. Its a lengthy one tooBut sure just remember these are just my own personal opinions & views. & I will say this do i feel like Jaekyung owe dan an apology? Sure somewhat but not to the extent everyone feels he should. I don't think an whole apology chasing tour is necessary. I feel like everyone is stuck on Dan being such a sweet but weak character that it's look at 1 sided. Because to me the story is Jakeyung hired Dan to do 2 jobs. Be his physical therapist and 2 sleep with him before matches. In return Jaekyung provide extra money nothing more nothing less. However, He did provide housing, paid his old debt, & paid his granny medical bills as well.Could he have been nicer to Dan? Yes. But was he obligated to? No. Many of us work jobs where we dealt with an asshole supervisor or employers before.So I wasn't up & arms about it I'm like his an asshole got it nothing new with these characters. Not to mention Dan understood what kind of person Jaekyung was not only from Jakeyung himself but from his peers. The coach warned him, the media warned him, the other fighters warn him. So it's not like he went in blind he knew Jakeyung was an asshole. & accepted it UNTIL he caught feelings. And since Jaekyung didn't return those feelings now he's the bad guy. Jaekyung was not obligated to be nicer to Dan because he has a crush. He was not obligated to treat Dan as a bf cause he has a crush. He was not obligated to treat dan as a friend cause he has a crush. This was a business deal that was consent to by both parties. So Jaekyung using Dan as a sex toy isn't horrible this is what they agree upon. You give me ass I'll give you cash. Cool moving on....

    I also know somebody gonna feel like I'm Jaekyung apologist I'm not. I can see that he is a asshole at times but I can also see that there is more to his character based on the fact he went out his way and paid his granny bills, gave housing, and cleared his debt. That wasn't apart of the deal but he did anyway. Does that make him a saint? Hell Nawl but it does show that his character isn't just 1 dimensional. I feel like since we saw Dan suffering from a child to adulthood we automatically gave him grace and wish the best for him. Where we haven't really got to know JY back story so he is automatically label as the villian. No one knows why he is the asshole of character & what trauma he could have endured. He could have been getting abuse and struggling just like dan. We dont know. So I feel like it's unfair for me to automatically close the door on his character when I don't have enough information about his character. Because the crash out he had over losing his livelihood was valid. Like honestly if I work my whole life to get to this point and it all crumble within seconds. Call me a crash dummy cause im crashing tf out. People can argue who fault it was but in the end it wouldn't matter because the outcome is JY still lost his livelihood and the thing that kept him going and pushing through life. People can understand and care that Dan granny is what keeping him going but is completely ignorant to that fighting is equivalent to JY. It's the same just in different fonts.

    This isn't no I hate Dan Opinion neither cause I love Dan and I'm rooting for his happiness wherever it might lay. With JY or Without. What I'm saying is that I feel like neither character is this horrible individual. Each character is facing their own demons and trauma. So to see people rejoice off JY pain & depression just cause he wasn't as nice as ppl wanted him to be to Dan. Someone he hired to do a job Is kinda disheartening. If anything I guess it would've been a nice gesture if he would tell Dan I'm sorry for not being nice to you. But for him to be suffering how he is suffering is wild to me.

    I also honestly feel like this whole Jy is crumbling because he now missed Dan and not because of his career and his personal struggles is bs. Because if we look back over there relationship it wasn't much so this Oh no I need Dan or im going insane is straight bs & a cop out. I feel like The chasing Dan arc is ridiculous and made to be more complex then it need to be. This season should've been dedicated to JY life so we could've got a better insight on him. Then s3 the whole chasing arc or whatever ending the author choose.

    I feel like I'm writing to much so I'll end it here and hopefully my view points came across ok and respectfully. And that you get the gist of my thought process. All & all I'm just a reader who likes to look at every possible angle/sides to fully understand a story.

    Louniya March 26, 2025 1:03 am
    I just don't want nobody to come in try to knock my head off. Cause if I didn't learn nothing else on this site I learned people gets angry when your opinion is different. Its a lengthy one tooBut sure just re... Beaniebby

    Actually i see ur point and i did think a bit that it’s kinda hypocritical how ppl treated jk even tho it was just a business deal between dan and him and feelings shouldnt be on the table, he could’ve been a better human being sure but he’s not and everybody knows it so …..there’s one thing that i HATE about jk tho and it’s how he sees dan is messed up rn but he still chooses to f him like man u dont have a match tmrw u do not have to do it just let the man be, even tho dan says let’s do it maybe just once LETS NOT DO IT PLEASE. I wish the author would show us jk’s past tho so we can finally maybe maybe understand him a bit