Main Owen is the entire problem to a happy poly life with Nux and his other selves (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ He's possessive, abusive to his other selves, insecure, controlling, ECT. Main Owen is literally my least favorite lol
Not really if you think of it in another way, but you aren’t exactly wrong either. It’s just really uncomfortable imo that he’s jealous, even Handkerchief is jealous. I feel like he’s missing self love. He’s harming himself.
It’s not really unreasonable. If I had other physical parts of me/clones of me, I’d be jealous too if it was customary tradition to share a partner. Even Nux said that he can’t really see them all as one, so I can see where Owen’s jealousy kinda stems from. Not mainly from that but yeah.
I just hope they talk it out more. It’s not enough…
Also I do agree that Main Owen’s insecurities are causing issues. But I also feel it’s something he can’t control so I can’t entirely blame him. What I blame is the little communication. I feel there should be more. Like all the Owens and Nux sit down to talk, lmao
Also I do agree that Main Owen’s insecurities are causing issues. But I also feel it’s something he can’t control so I can’t entirely blame him. What I blame is the little communication. I feel there sh... UUta0
Nah main Owen is legit trash lol Even him falling for Nux eventually is sketchy. Also, I don't think you can be claiming "customary tradition" when we're talking about a male alien that got pregnant through his dick. Being jealous or insecure is both natural, but I wouldn't be jealous of my other selves and my partner and my feelings are just as valid as yours on the matter. So it doesn't help me understand him. I totally agree they all need to have a talk and Owen needs to realize he's putting Nux in the WORST position by being the way he is. He's so selfish he's more worried about his other selves not getting Nux rather than Nux's health.
Nah main Owen is legit trash lol Even him falling for Nux eventually is sketchy. Also, I don't think you can be claiming "customary tradition" when we're talking about a male alien that got pregnant through his... Stype
IF it was customary tradition. There are traditions even in fantasy, so there’s that. Being jealous a bit is normal and Nux has said it’s fine for him to be jealous.
I understand why he’s jealous, even Handkerchief. I do agree he is selfish, that’s what bad jealousy can do. In that case, strict communication is mandatory. ASAP Owen meeting!!
The way I see it, it is like having to allow others to be with your partner. And that partner is putting up with the rest for him.(Tan Owen mentioned in ch 91, and Nux didn’t deny.) That’s what makes it icky. The fact that Nux sees them as separate, not ONE. So he treats them all differently, people can beg to differ, to each their own type…
Some don’t like that Nux treats them differently. Some don’t care. Some think that it’s because all Owens are different in a way, they are one but different.
IF it was customary tradition. There are traditions even in fantasy, so there’s that. Being jealous a bit is normal and Nux has said it’s fine for him to be jealous. I understand why he’s jealous, even Ha... UUta0
It seems like poly is a confusing concept for you to grasp, as is something called "compresion". Just because you understand his jealousy and insecurity doesn't mean everyone has the same limitations as you. I'm not trying to be sassy sorry if it comes off that way. But the way you keep insisting it's weird and wrong is pretty fucked up honestly.
He shouldn't see them as the same person because they're not. They all have thoughts and feelings that are different from each other, not to mention behaviors and even jobs. My problem is the other Owens are SUBORDINATE to the main Owen and he uses that against them.
Nux is perfectly capable of loving MORE THAN ONE person as I believe he's already proved. Not to mention how well he got along with Gold and Sorrow Owens when main Owen was still avoiding him. Why does main Owen deserve more than any of them do? Nux was pulled along by main and Hanky Owen and he started to have feelings for at least them before he was abandoned by main and therefore all of them. You care a lot about main Owens feelings and how insecure he is, but not about the other Owens who love the same person Nux, which they had little choice in, and they have to suffer even though Nux is perfectly happy loving and marrying all of them? It doesn't matter that he sees them as individual or the same person. He loves each of them for their selves, not just because they're also Owen. The whole situation is beyond "poly is weird and wrong and I understand main Owens insecurity"
It seems like poly is a confusing concept for you to grasp, as is something called "compresion". Just because you understand his jealousy and insecurity doesn't mean everyone has the same limitations as you. I'... Stype
I think you misunderstood me and my wording. I’m basing it off from Main Owen’s perspective, of what I think he’s feeling. He’s uncomfortable by the thought and sight of Nux with others. When I say I understand why he’s jealous, that’s that, it doesn’t mean you have to. He’s insecure, more so postpartum and based on future chapter, all of him is more highlighted.
And I have been in poly relationships, it’s nothing against poly. The concept of the ONE person, but different bodies/memories/persona is what’s hard to grasp for some. Not poly, they know what poly is, I hope.
I’m going to care more or speak more about the Main because it’s his jealousy that’s more spoken of, it’s more highlighted, not even Handkerchief’s is mentioned as much (iirc). It’s a fact that Nux loves Owen differently compared to other Owens, and he doesn’t need to show the same type of love. He likes the other Owens and are attracted because they are all part of Main Owen, not the exact same.
Nux is capable of loving more than one I’m aware. But it’s not going to be the same way that a lot of readers want him to with other Owens, and some are bashing Nux for the way he treats others versus Main Owen.
Nobody said Main Owen deserves more, I think you interpreted that because I spoke more of Main Owen, sorry about that. I definitely think his jealousy is more intense, so I’m concerned because like you said, he’s being selfish and trying to put the rest away.
They are all different part/aspects of Main Owen, so Nux is going to treat them differently.
It seems like poly is a confusing concept for you to grasp, as is something called "compresion". Just because you understand his jealousy and insecurity doesn't mean everyone has the same limitations as you. I'... Stype
Main Owen can’t be happy with Nux seeing his other selves/other Owens. He has no self love, and he’s restricting that from happening, this is how I see it.
All the Owens are interconnected, how they feel towards Nux is one. It’s not totally separate beings, they’re all ONE, but yes, different timeline memories, personas, and difference in appearance.
It seems like poly is a confusing concept for you to grasp, as is something called "compresion". Just because you understand his jealousy and insecurity doesn't mean everyone has the same limitations as you. I'... Stype
Are we on the wrong page?
Nux is obviously fine with marrying them all, otherwise I would’ve commented on him being uncomfortable with marrying other Owens. And what am I supposed to say to the “little choice”? If Main Owen likes Nux, the other Owens does as well—interconnected. It’s not something to adjust. Little choice? It’s not like Owen had a choice in loving Nux either, he can’t just turn his feelings off, the other Owens can’t either.
Nux should see them all as one person, it’s unity. Where else did the other Owens come from? It’s acknowledgment that Main Owen and the other Owens are all interconnected. But he should also respect the differences of his partners. You aren’t wrong in what you said. My fault for my bad phrasing.
They all come from one, but they are different in other aspects. I might just be misunderstanding you as well, so I apologize. We clearly have different perspectives too.
It seems like poly is a confusing concept for you to grasp, as is something called "compresion". Just because you understand his jealousy and insecurity doesn't mean everyone has the same limitations as you. I'... Stype
And Nux also loves the other Owens because of their differences, the different aspects. If they were all same, there would be no point in this concept.
I just noticed you said “his other selves” in your post. Sorry. Scratch some of what I said…that don’t apply.I thought you weren’t acknowledging that they’re all one person, and I do agree that they... UUta0
No I get you, I think personal feelings and life experience is simply where we differ. Neither of us is wrong! We both agree on multiple aspects, and agree clear communication could probably solve some of this lol Nux is definitely trying that!
Main Owen is the entire problem to a happy poly life with Nux and his other selves (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ He's possessive, abusive to his other selves, insecure, controlling, ECT. Main Owen is literally my least favorite lol