Saying this ending was rushed is falling short. Is like, the ending itself is good, Marin ...

Beka March 25, 2025 4:47 pm

Saying this ending was rushed is falling short.
Is like, the ending itself is good, Marin and Goyo are married and succesfull in their careers, even gramps os still alive but is like we skipped a story worth 5 more volumes easily, I get that Marin didn't want people to find out she was Haniel and Goyo the one who made, so, okay , drop that plotline, but what about them dating, talking about their future, Goyo still didm't know if he had to choose between cosplay and Hina dolls or how he choose both with positive results, also Marin becoming a full time model out of passion for the work and not just as a part time job to pay for her hobby.

Also what about everyone else???
It feels like her editor told the mangaka "hey, end your manga in one more chapter, you have tomorrow morning to finish it and give it to me, thanks sweetie, good night".
Specially since it became so popular with the anime adaptation :c.
