I'm sorry, but I think you are misunderstanding a lot of aspects of this manhwa. I do agree the manhwa sometimes may feel a bit rushed, that's because it obviously cannot show everything the novel has. Even so, your review seems a bit one dimensional. The MC isn't incompetent as a lawyer, simply his priorities are not commercial/business law, whereas the ML specializes in business law and mergers.
The ML has questionable means to collect data, which the MC hates at first, but later tries to 'think' like the ML in order to stay in the farm, because he has to. Otherwise he will be in danger because of his brother-in-law. And even though at first, that's what ML wanted, later he really wants the MC to retain his idealistic view of the world and law, because that's just who the MC is, and that's who the ML loves.
I know everything comes down to personal preference, and I don't usually write such comments, it's just I really liked the novel. It was so well written , plot driven and a true novel. Not some smutty bl drama. So that's what I think. I hope you can read the novel in future and come to like it as well!

I agree with what OP above has said and what I'll personally recommend is to read the novel! The manhwa doesn't always translate well, in the novel things are more detailed and has more narration. Yoonshin does change or adapt his strats in regards to being a lawyer even if he doesn't agree to it. In the future, even Seheon notices this and says that he wants him to maintain that idealistic view coz he balances/grounds him
This is interesting but it's inconsistent. The character's motives and values change consistently and so do their actions, particularly with the the ml. It's hard to try and figure out what's going on, especially in the first 30 chapters the ML is weird and the MC is an idiot. The story struggles with the “show don't tell” concept, it tells us what a character thinks rather than showing. The MC should pick a different career and takes the ML’s actions as being an asshole when really the MC should've never passed the law exam. He wants to keep up moral high ground but won't be able to defend a client who he doesn't have the same views as. It's clear the career isn't for him and the narrative pushes it as though he is a good lawyer when he just isn't. This could be good but its writing is too distracting to focus on where it can be good.