Human being is not of school of thoughts. You cannot tell me something is morally wrong and not refer to which kind of morals are you basing that on: what is the compass? I find nothing morally wrong with this. It is not first time I heard about some men liking older women. He is more than legal and he is the one pursuing the lady. Really, I cannot understand what morals have to do her. You have issues with men liking older women... on a personal level?

I don't think it has a lot to do with instincts. As far as History told us, age gap was WAY bigger back then and it was often coercive. Instincts, which are primitive, found little issues with such age gap. So again... two persons of legal age pursuing in their own consenting spirit a relationship... is pretty lambda?

it's not philosophy; it's common sense. your argument of "it's legal so it's fine" is equivalent to "she's 18, so it's legal".
such age gaps as fine, so long as their brains have fully matured. maybe in asian countries, 22 yo is considered fully matured and ~20 year age gaps are fine, but not in other countries. as u say, most large age gaps were coercive, people were forced to marry much older people often to achieve some status or money, otherwise, they wouldnt.
younger men pursuing older women are fine, but a 17-yo age gap is pushing it. it's like a middle-aged woman's fantasy, which i suppose is what the producer is aiming for. this story is trying to present it as "it's not grooming and he's the one pursuing her and love is love", but given how simple the story so far, i doubt it will be able to capture the nuances beyond just "he's too young and different life experiences". it's widely frowned upon for a reason.
and did u read with ur eyes close? cuz when the student asked "was i only just a student to u", the fmc didnt answer; the right thing to do as an adult who involved an innocent kid was to cleanly cut off his feelings right there and then. instead we get some icky flashbacks that implied she did feel something for him. it wouldve been better if the romance happened later... but alas, she would be too old. 39 is fine, but not 40, huh?
look it's clear that u think it's fine bc of ur morals, culture of whatever. so im not going to try to convince u otherwise.

- Morality is a major topic in Philosophy, so is epistemology (the study of knowledge).
- What might be common for you might be uncommon for others.
- My argument is that I don't see what is the moral issue here. And instead of explaining what morals are being violated, you keep acting as if your stance is self-evident, when it cannot be rationalized.
- Yes. They were coerced back then, but it was not seen wrongly back then. You have just stretched my one sentence point.
- "younger men pursuing older women are fine" Hmm. Do you know what is cognitive dissonance? Ageism? Social Stigma? Irrational biases/prejudices?
- Why is a 17y age gap is pushing it? Because it is a fantasy? They are bigger age gaps in the real world. I can see different life experiences as an inconvenience, but this has nothing to do with morality. No grooming presented, because she made her position clear on the matter.
- Of course I read my eyes closed; reading eyes open is so has-been. She did not answer because she did not want to hurt his feeling further. She clearly told him that she used him and will use him for her ploy. Her intentions were made clear around chapters 10-20 if I remember. It is like asking if you can travel to a certain country after being told that border has been closed. How hard do you want to be crushed by sad reality?
- "39 is fine, but not 40, huh?" I don't get the question nor why later would have changed anything. The age gap won't change.
- "t's clear that u think it's fine bc of ur morals, culture of whatever" Clearly not. My stance is based on default acceptance. Same principle as innocent until proven guilty.
- I asked one basic question, but have yet seen answers: what morals are you basing your views on? if something is deemed morally wrong, it presupposes the existence of a moral framework that defines right and wrong. What is your framework?

im basing my morals as a 21 century human being, as every other human. i dont need to be thoroughly versed in any specific school of thought or epistemology to know why this age gap along with their history is problematic. since moral frameworks are subjective, then neither of our stances are objective truth. but if rationale and legality can be used to justify anything, then why do humans have a moral compass? why have large age gap marriages nearly become obsolete in the modern era?
to reiterate my point, i dont care about a 17 year age gap. i didnt say it’s illegal or wrong. i was curious how the story will go about with this relationship, but i assumed the LI would be at least 24-25 yo. the producer's obviously trying to frame their romance as still within socially acceptable bounds, at the expense of making the love interest 22-yo, barely out of college, just so the fmc wouldnt be deemed “too old" as apparently a 40+ yo is, but not 39-yo. his maturity would be different if he was 25+ yo instead of 22 yo.
even if he would be crushed, she was done using him atp and if she was genuinely sorry at all, as an adult she shouldve clearly rejected him so he could get over her properly. if she had crushed his hopes thoroughly, but he still pined for her, then that’s on him and out of her hands. also, you ignored my point about the flashbacks. if it was simply about not hurting him, the story didnt need to add that in.
sure there are bigger yet socially acceptable age gaps irl... when the younger person is at least 25+ yo. if 18 yo is considered the legal age, why are 18 yos in 10+ age gap relationships still frowned upon? since it's legal, it should be fine, no? there might not be grooming since this story wants to idealize their age gap romance, but if she truly wanted to make it clear she saw him nothing but her student and not a romantic prospect, then she shouldve rejected him.
not sure what ur point is about agism/biases/etc. clearly i was talking about situations with a simiar age range; gender doesnt matter. it's a different matter if the much older person is pursuing the much younger person, for obvious reasons.
altho the story is fiction and thus morals are moot, i have a right to judge. i was going to keep an open mind, if the story had ended with that s1 ending and maybe an epilogue that implied their romance, but they had to make another season that focused on the love triangel. if my stance is not self-evident, then we obviously have a different set of morals. and i do not see much point talking about it.

It was problematic in the past, because it was no consensual and also involved minors. In this situation, it does not.
It is not about seeking objective truths but grounds. Your reluctance or perhaps inability to provide framework fuels this debate. You said your morals are as of 21 century’s people. I could say the same of myself and the people still commending death penalties. However, this gives 0 insight on good or bad.
I insist on saying I see no wrong. Henceforth, I asked to provide the framework outlining what would make this situation “morally weird”. Realism - “if there’s no harm and both parties consent, then it’s acceptable”. Pragmatism – “If the relationship is healthy and beneficial, it’s valid”. Skepticism – “Societal norms should be questioned, but so should personal biases”. Rationalism – “If both individuals are capable of informed consent, there’s no rational basis to object”… Your judgments appear to be biased against this relationship as you fail to distance yourself from grooming undertones.
“rationale and legality can be used to justify anything, then why do humans have a moral compass?” If you were able to provide an actual moral compass, you would not need to ask this question.
I did not simply ignore your point. I disregarded it. She left him behind and refused to stay by his side. Her actions speak volume. She rejected him; maybe not to your liking, but she did. The FL is not cruel by nature as she is presented as a relatively soft person but responsible enough to not deepen herself into dangerous territory. It’s not her fault if he is the persistent type. Of course, you may remain displeased with her actions or thoughts as the expectation for people to act in a particular way, with a certain level of intensity, is ultimately rooted in personal inclination.
“age gap relationships still frowned upon?” The answer dwells on cognitive dissonance, Ageism, Social Stigma and Irrational biases/prejudices.
I don’t use a set of morals to develop my arguments, as clearly mentioned before. I use default acceptance. It is not a moral framework but rather a starting position in reasoning that avoids arbitrary rejection.
As you said, you have the right to judge. I can only concord. Still, if you claim morality is being undermined as this relationship being “morally weird”, you should be able to substantiate what morals have been hurt. However, your argument highlights THE LACK of a clear moral framework— morals as of 21st-century people is vague and provides no clear ethical foundation.
Hence, I point out that Morality (ethical principles) and Moeurs (social customs) are distinct concepts. If you claim morality is being undermined, you must specify which moral principles are violated, not just reference societal norms. Mœurs evolve with culture, while morality requires rational justification based on ethical principles like harm, autonomy, or justice. Without clear moral transgression, objections are rooted in tradition, not ethics.
In summary, this was never about morals but mœurs. I have arrived at the conclusion that this relationship is not morally weird but socially unconventional based on this exchange. I acknowledge that it may unsettle those whose views remain anchored in social stigma. Now, I understand.
we really did not need a season 2. that guy is 22 yo if she is 39.