I really appreciate the story touching on such a deep narrative, although I do admit this was a bit overly melodramatic at times. As much as I try to give the benefit of the doubt to these stories, the whole Maria prostitute plot was dumb asf. Then we continue to the priest coincidentally being the same priest in New Mexico? Erm, as batshit some real life stories can be, this was hard to believe at times…
Nonetheless, the ending was great. The story was a tad too flowery and wordy, and would have benefited from more action and scenes that depict love. The story conveyed trauma beautifully, although the religious aspects became so overbearing to the romance especially in chapter 5.
Like pls pick a struggle: pedophilia, murder, abuse, literally felt like they incluced everything to make such a dramaticized story. I acknowledge some of these social issues are interconnected, but the story did too much trying to convey a very real reality while balancing a romance.
I really appreciate the story touching on such a deep narrative, although I do admit this was a bit overly melodramatic at times. As much as I try to give the benefit of the doubt to these stories, the whole Maria prostitute plot was dumb asf. Then we continue to the priest coincidentally being the same priest in New Mexico? Erm, as batshit some real life stories can be, this was hard to believe at times…
Nonetheless, the ending was great. The story was a tad too flowery and wordy, and would have benefited from more action and scenes that depict love. The story conveyed trauma beautifully, although the religious aspects became so overbearing to the romance especially in chapter 5.