So what’s the plan?

Btblimh March 25, 2025 11:24 am

I’m so confused by Etiennes “plan” if you can even call it that. You have no allies. Well except for the servant, the doctor oh and also the person the King wants to take over and his closest allies but instead of relying on or making a solid plan with them you stick beside the empress who is poisoning you and is also responsible for countless deaths. You don’t want Rishar to be murdered but logic dictates that regardless of whether Rishar takes the throne or not, he’s still a threat and will be murdered. Keeping your relationship secret does nothing but put you at a disadvantage so again: WHAT IS YOUR PLAN?!

    mysticeva March 25, 2025 3:24 pm

    thank you for saying it out loud I have been WAITING. the whole situation feels so complex and it feels like etienne's actions and words are genuinely not smart enough for it. your plan can't just be "destroy the house backing you up and helping you maintain the position you have" without actually finding other ppl to back you up. and no, rishar doesn't count. his blind devotion isn't gonna convince nobles OR common ppl that you are a good dude to trust. especially after etienne's literally a dominant omega, which is a taboo to be after the last dominant omega ruler was tyrannic.

    sorry for the rant but nothing is as frustrating as a story with good potential but not enough development. that's why king's maker will forever remain my goat

    Wolves March 25, 2025 7:51 pm

    I think the main reason Etienne is pushing Rishar away is bc of the possibility that ppl will think Etienne is using Rishar and Rishar will lose his allies. The Empress and her family is known for being deceitful and cunning, and those who side with Rishar and the emperor dislikes the empress's family. And if it's found out that Rishar and Etienne are in a relationship, those who supports Rishar will hate that he "sided" with his enemies/rivals. And they might see this situation as Etienne using Rishar, causing an argument that Rishar doesn't hold power to be the next ruler and Etienne manipulating Rishar.

    Plus, many nobles want Rishar to marry an omega from their family. They'll explode if they find out Rishar is with an omega/beta (Etienne) from the Empress's family. These are royal families after all. If things don't go their way, they can be petty and not want to support Rishar.

    Wolves March 25, 2025 7:52 pm

    And if the empress finds out Rishar and Etienne are seeing each other, who knows what she'll do. She may not be able to hurt Rishar immediately, but she can go after Etienne's doctor and servant (Ben). She could lock up Etienne, as Rishar isn't permitted into the empress's home. And her family would go to any length to kill Rishar. The only reason they haven't done so yet is bc they believe Etienne is on the empress's side and are trying to gain allies for Etienne to take the throne.