Till this day i still haven't read Pearl Boy because I'm afraid of the mental distress it'll bring me. Honestly I have the urge to read it, but the idea of Jooha being su jected to so much crap in the story makes me scared to read it :( I'm not afraid of the psychological genre per se, but I feel like I'm not ready for it.... yet....

same as the person two posts above BRO IM AFRAID OF PEARL BOY never reading this atleast for now i cant bring myself to read it...
i also refused for a long time to read how to get my husband on my side because i saw those videos and whatever and it left me SCARED asf but when actually did go and read it Man was i heartbroken.. like in a billion pieces my heart shattered

Bye Bye (the omegaverse one)
I honestly just hated the MC, and the ML has some serious moral failings no matter how much of a green flag everybody wants to say he is. The MC was a plain idiot, always felt like he was trying to prove something to other people. ML gives him flowers he immediately posts a pic to brag to his exes, he's pregnant immediately posts because he's insecure about being a recessive. The ML let's his family ask insensitive ass questions like "if he wants seaweed soup?" (something Koreans typically eat after childbirth) and "why he wasn't crying?" Plus they badgered him about being late. All after the MC just came out of the hospital after a miscarriage. Another part was ML hiding from the MC just how high the chance of miscarriage was. Two ADULTS in a RELATIONSHIP don't hide something especially like that.
Of course now 4 1/2 years after it ended and people are now in the comments talking about how trash the story is. But when I originally expressed my opinion when the story was still ongoing I got absolutely dogged in the comments with 27 dislikes! The only good thing about this story is the art. Though it seems like the artist has a habit of picking up trashy stories because the story they're working on right now Stigma is also hot garbage.
Out of curiosity, can yall tell me about a book that is loved but you have an ACTUAL unpopular opinion on (and I will not accept too much smut as an opinion it’s overused)