The novel made a lot of people look worst.
Like the first army commander? He is so weird that his first thought when karas tells him about having sexual thoughts is how he would gladly offer his ass to him just to satisfy him. He also falls in love with Abel later in the novel for a weird as reason. He has a wife back home and never slept with a women while in the army to stay loyal to her but has no problem thinking sexual thoughts about men apparently.
Karas, i remember him killing alot more people. Even in this scene I'm pretty sure he killed many hostages and innocent people just to show that fake commander that he doesn't care about the these people's lives. Abel stepped in a little late to stop him because he was so shocked.
They've changed the novel's storyline. The novel made karas out to be even worst in this scenario.
Guess I'll read the manga and try to forget what I read in the novel.