Uh what going on

Jiminbooty March 25, 2025 4:20 am

I haven't read this in a long time. I dropped it when max was helping out the wounded. What the heck is going on

    Sam March 25, 2025 4:24 am

    Same, can someone just summarize it pleaseeee

    Jiminbooty March 25, 2025 4:56 am
    Same, can someone just summarize it pleaseeee Sam

    Yes someone please summarize for me and Sam

    Sunshine March 25, 2025 5:15 am

    Ok so after she learned basic magic and learned to heal she then learned a little defense magic than riftan had to go off to a war (even tho he didn't want at first he was then ordered to help) and maxi wanted to go for the trip because they had to stop off at a place that was like 10 days away and riftan had a freaking hugeeeee fit about her going saying ur a woman, u don't even know magic that well, blah blah blah just ultimately got rlly passed off then finally let her go on the trip now during trip maxi was having a hard af time but made it thru and the did the dirty in the woods at sum point ;) then after finally getting to a ship then to the place where maxi was supposed stay (town) ritan started going to the war and what not but eventually maxi got impatient from not hearing enough news and a friend she made at said town suggested they go sneak in with the female clerics because they wear hoods the while time and could cover their faces and on top of that the friend knew someone that was a female cleric and could help so after sneaking in and making it threw some days she then tells Ruth after seeing him what she did and he freaked out but then calmed down and assess then basically said never go anywhere near riftan cuz he knows..... also all the female clerics haven't have baths in a while cuz the knights in their area wouldn't stop hitting on them and making them uncomfortable and now we are present oh and if there is a rlly hot blonde guy all we know about him is he delivered a letter for maxi to riftan while she was in the town then he later found out she has hiding with the female clerics (she was washing her face and he came up behind her) and he has sum unknown beef with riftan but that should be it ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Jiminbooty March 25, 2025 2:54 pm
    Ok so after she learned basic magic and learned to heal she then learned a little defense magic than riftan had to go off to a war (even tho he didn't want at first he was then ordered to help) and maxi wanted ... Sunshine

    Thank you so much!