Ok, I get it. Dude's depressed, that much is obvious, of course he doesn't give a shit about his own condition. Depression kills everything and affects the way you perceive everything but it's damn awful to see him have SO little self worth and to whore out to a piece of shit like Jaekyung. Massively passive aggressive but too depressed to scream at that asshole to fuck all the way off and leave. The guy clearly is richer than God and doesn't even remember the debt anyway, he wouldn't bother holding it over Dan unless he wanted something else from him. It's hard to watch someone self destruct like that. It's an anime but art imitates life.
Ok, I get it. Dude's depressed, that much is obvious, of course he doesn't give a shit about his own condition. Depression kills everything and affects the way you perceive everything but it's damn awful to see him have SO little self worth and to whore out to a piece of shit like Jaekyung. Massively passive aggressive but too depressed to scream at that asshole to fuck all the way off and leave. The guy clearly is richer than God and doesn't even remember the debt anyway, he wouldn't bother holding it over Dan unless he wanted something else from him. It's hard to watch someone self destruct like that. It's an anime but art imitates life.