Alright! Place Your Bets!

Dizzyduck5 March 25, 2025 2:51 am

I'm guessing whoever just "choose" Maid Akihito is either
A) Fei Long
B) Mikhail
C) Beard Guy Whose Name I Can't Remember
D) Asami Who Used His Powerful Asami Seme Powers To Be 2 Steps Ahead Of The Hardworking Akihito As Always

Place your bets, folks! See you in about 1-2 years for the results!!

    Desperado March 25, 2025 7:38 pm

    Oooh! I'll play!

    A) Well, it wouldn't be the first time. But I don't think he knows where A & A are at the moment. But seeing how Kirishima was desperate enough to call Fei, he's definitely been searching. 15% chance

    B) Lol... no. His role has been reduced to "Fei simp". 5% chance, since he'd do it if Fei promised him sex for it, but I'm pretty sure Fei would rather just do it himself

    C) Which bearded guy?! There's like 3 of them of them now: Sakazaki, Antonio, and the mysterious bearded *blond guy who was very interested in Fei at the blackjack table. I'm going to assume you mean the last one. 30% chance, because his unknown identity is SUPER suspicious, plus he directly announced to readers that he'll soon be joining the plot

    *Asami's half-brother is also notably blond-haired. Just sayin' ;)

    D) I guess I'll place my bet here (and I have a solid record for being wrong). The last panel before we see Akihito reliving his past of stalking a crime lord, hints that someone is about to inform Asami of Akihito's stupid stunt (probably Antonio, to pay back his debt to Asami for saving his little sister). 50% chance given this lead up, which could also kickstart the plot by Asami being somehow identified, potentially exposing his whereabouts to "the man who is my father according to the family register".

    Damn, Asami... that's some serious daddy issues right there