Im sooo grateful to unsleep! Like finally a fresh story where both mc and m...
theyre so cuuuteee huhuhuhuuhuhu
this is so good i swear to god, now i wanna read nerd project ... it kinda
Seunghyun: Why would I marry you wtf
Also Seunghyun: You're not coming home tonight?! I'll come get your ass then
As a reminder to everyone, back in chapter 9 it's revealed that Seunghyun hates the hike to the art department. He gets so out of breath he pants like a perv according to Chaejun. This is brought up again in this chapter where Seunghyun says climbing up to the art department is a workout. So he KNOWS it's a pain in the ass to get there but Seunghyun decides it's worth the hassle just because Chaejun wasn't gonna be home with him for ONE NIGHT. ONE. NIGHT. Found out in the afternoon, came to drag his ass home right away.
Like this man can deny all he wants, but clearly his actions say he's rather attached, so much so that he can't stand the thought of Chaejun not being home with him.
The author knows what they're doing, especially with them fighting like an old married couple. Seunghyun even says the classic "You're sleeping on the sofa" line that couples stereotypically use when one is angry with the other, especially from wife to husband. Also, I love that this is Chaejun's place and it is Chaejun's bed and Seunghyun just threw him out to sleep on the sofa. Chaejun just accepts his fate lol.
It’s cute. Like I’m mad at you so stay away a bit for now but not too far away please.
As always, thank you to both uploaders <3