The biggest loser is back at it again, but twice as delulu! Even his cat can't stand his loser glow! xD He's so funny! That outfit ain't matchin' ya weirdo! I never thought I'd love a top this weird. Lololol I'm rooting for him! He gives me a wee bit of Seon Woo vibes from Punch Drunk Love, but a top! Hahaha
The biggest loser is back at it again, but twice as delulu! Even his cat can't stand his loser glow! xD He's so funny! That outfit ain't matchin' ya weirdo! I never thought I'd love a top this weird. Lololol I'm rooting for him!
He gives me a wee bit of Seon Woo vibes from Punch Drunk Love, but a top! Hahaha