I saw the comment. Tbh I don't agree but I understand where they're coming from
tbh what I dont rlly understand where people draw the line, he's "a child" at heart but it would've been okay if he's just a skilled shooter that killed at least 5 people (also got rid of a ton of zombies) as long as there was not any romantic or sexual stuff going on?
He was abandoned by his mom (at most) when he was abt 10y/o so that's when he technically stopped constant contact with other humans so the things that you learn abt culture, social rules, etc are lacking but he DID grew up and base on a few things he said, he read abt those things, also he clearly started going outside and even w/o a society he was coming across all kind of things.
And also we are capable of liking someone at any age, hell who hasn't heard a kindergarten kid liking a classmate? kids start having the desire of doing romantic stuff with the person they like rlly early on as well. By the time they're in the last few years of primary school they already know and think abt sexual stuff.
In all honesty I think people underestimate the intelligence and awareness at certain ages

even if the author wouldn't ve rush the story and jump right into the sex bit, he could've developed an emotional and sexual relationship with the MC bc attraction is not something you unlock after a certain amount of social interactions, is a normal thing that people experience regardless of their upbringings
my comment got posted as I was editing what I was saying but this is what follow the last line
LET ME BE CLEAR I was NOT saying MINORS have the emotional capability to understand what is like having sex and being in relationships. Just that we can FEEL emotionally or sexually attracted to someone
I saw a comment on forums critiquing this story. The commenter was saying if the story had refrained from being sexual and romantic they would’ve likes it. Basically, they said it was pedophilic and the Ml was essentially a child in an adult’s body. They said “but adding sex with an adult who has a childlike demeanor” and then “it was like pedophilia but without the underaged individual”.