Ok so Im bi and I have some icks for both genders
Guys who make misogynistic jokes thinking they're funny, women who try so hard to force their uwu voice, guys who play hard to get/ don't message first cuz they want me to make the first move (yes these r real), women who start gossiping in our first time meeting, guys who try to act tough/embarrass their friends to empress girls (same goes for girls), nose picking (both genders ofc) and cold texts (at least use emojis)

Honestly, not having basic human decency, I like caring and gentle people. I don't like discrimination in any form, so being homophobic, racist and such (racism is a crime in my country), being a douche, having bad hygiene, being stupid (in the meaning of, you tell me something that I know for a fact is wrong, and tell you that, but you don't even try to search it, belienving you are right by the voices of your head). Stuborn people, but more like in a way that the person refuses to apologise, don't want to learn new things, don't accept positive feedback and such. My type is honestly nerdy and gentle, hardworking and smart. I've fell in love in the past for tall and short, handsome and kinda borderline ugly, or what I like to say rustic

Bad breath. If that white tongue come close it's gonna kill me before I can kill myself. Idc how nice you are, how attractive you are, how rich you are, if your tongue is white all the time and your breath stank, then you're automatically unattractive.
In high school I was into this cute guy. Sat next to him during a class and nearly died from holding my breath that morning. I switched seats the next day.
What's something u find REALLY unattractive?
Like a major turn off in somebody ur interested in?
personally mine would be snoring just gives me the ick