i know angel and remelia are going to end up together but that doesn't feel right to me. Remelia doesn't love Angel (atleast not yet) and in a way, Angel doesn't love 'Remelia' yet either. Remelia was simply pretending (idk a better word for it) to be like Emi would be ( Kind and willing to forgive Pina.)I mean the only way, it would feel right would be if Remelia confesses everything and Angel gets to knows the true Remelia (cold yet caring, kind yet not forgiving). Or else, it just feels like angel is marrying emi, not remelia.like angel doesn't know remelia right now at all, he only loves her facade of Emi. i need some serious confession scene for their relation to feel right lol
i know angel and remelia are going to end up together but that doesn't feel right to me. Remelia doesn't love Angel (atleast not yet) and in a way, Angel doesn't love 'Remelia' yet either. Remelia was simply pretending (idk a better word for it) to be like Emi would be ( Kind and willing to forgive Pina.)I mean the only way, it would feel right would be if Remelia confesses everything and Angel gets to knows the true Remelia (cold yet caring, kind yet not forgiving). Or else, it just feels like angel is marrying emi, not remelia.like angel doesn't know remelia right now at all, he only loves her facade of Emi. i need some serious confession scene for their relation to feel right lol