Can anyone recommend me a BL similar to Semantic error? I liked their dynamic and the art ...

Dr. Killgood March 24, 2025 6:14 pm

Can anyone recommend me a BL similar to Semantic error? I liked their dynamic and the art was pretty good as well. Would have been even better without angst, not that it bothers me too much. If its got the standard artstyle of a BL then I'd rather not read it (example: Painter of the Night artstyle looks like shit, Sasaki to Miyano is fine but I'm sick of seeing that artstyle and anything similar to it). Would be even better if its an underrated one. Last time I asked, I got recommended ones that are far from underrated. Not calling anyone out, but it was frustrating. I don't like porn without or with very little plot. If the only thing a manga has to offer is smut, then chances are its not very good
