I didn't really like the threesome. not cuz i have beef with them or anything but mostly cuz mr goo has been resisting a threesome w his ex this WHOLE TIME, like thats even why they broke up. (mr lim didnt really want it either but felt the need to explore and test his boundaries which is aight but like... read the room. you say you dont wanna be stuck in their ego battle, so why did you stick urself in it girl?!? you dont have to prove shit to these people!) but most of ALLLLL its cuz it felt like mr kim, the slimy annoying ex with no boundaries, is the only one who wins. he finally gets the threesome he wanted with goo - he's literally a voyeur so he was gonna enjoy it regardless of if goo and his boo included him or not, he's got his lil bitch tied up at home he can emotionally abuse, and he can get a rise out of lim AND goo by making them jealous, thus sating his ego/sadistic tendencies by taking up space in their minds. like why does he get a reward for being The Absolute Worst??? i feel like he's been dating goo's exes this whole time just to see who he could use to lure goo into a threesome with, and now YEARS later after goo has moved on and established himself, he gets to swoop back in, play in his face, and get everything he wanted??? annoyinggggg
I didn't really like the threesome. not cuz i have beef with them or anything but mostly cuz mr goo has been resisting a threesome w his ex this WHOLE TIME, like thats even why they broke up. (mr lim didnt really want it either but felt the need to explore and test his boundaries which is aight but like... read the room. you say you dont wanna be stuck in their ego battle, so why did you stick urself in it girl?!? you dont have to prove shit to these people!) but most of ALLLLL its cuz it felt like mr kim, the slimy annoying ex with no boundaries, is the only one who wins. he finally gets the threesome he wanted with goo - he's literally a voyeur so he was gonna enjoy it regardless of if goo and his boo included him or not, he's got his lil bitch tied up at home he can emotionally abuse, and he can get a rise out of lim AND goo by making them jealous, thus sating his ego/sadistic tendencies by taking up space in their minds. like why does he get a reward for being The Absolute Worst??? i feel like he's been dating goo's exes this whole time just to see who he could use to lure goo into a threesome with, and now YEARS later after goo has moved on and established himself, he gets to swoop back in, play in his face, and get everything he wanted??? annoyinggggg