Summary of the past and present

Slayeon March 25, 2025 1:45 pm

Okay so for those confused on the past,

Jitaes dad did NOT cheat.. jitae is only 26 guys and jian is 33. (Mieums 28)
When jian was brought to the family he was 7 and jitae was born the same day

Jitaes parents were both hot asf. They dated and then got married. Now suryeon brought jian randomly one day and was like u have another kid. Now if we go off the ages, it could have been a one night stand or it was an old relationship because jitae was literally born that day. Like remember mom said she wished she could see him graduate from elementary school in the flashback, and said he would be starting kindergarten soon but she was scared he wouldnt recognize her as that was after a couple months to yrs already passed! I assume she had a psychotic break after finding out her husband had another child, and also remember the one who took away jitaes mom was the bodyguard

Now with chaebol familys the first born child has the most privilege it is most likely that grandpa forced his son to get back with suryeon to keep him and jitae inheritance. Theres no way that jitaes mom would willingly leave him unless that was the only option and also remember that the bodyguard is the one who said SHE took her away. Also take in jitae knows his grandpa didnt like his mom and was on suryeons side in the past (though not anymore) since he covered up her death and mentioned it when he asked him to promote him

Theres more we still dont know but what we do know

- Jian isnt related to the baeks at all. Suryeon lied
- Jitaes dad was killed in a car accident soon after jians arrival and jitaes birth (suryeon and jians dad killed him)
- Jin did something
- when jitaes dad died jitae stayed with grandpa jian and suryeon
- Jitaes mom was killed by suryeon and hajoon
- Mieums dad was hired to kidnap Jitae like 2 years later and the bodyguard (yoon?) was the one who convinced suryeon to get him to do that
- Mieum saved Jitae and got injured and forgot what happened
- Yoon was in love with jitaes mom and so she hated jitae and his whole family even before the mom was kicked out
- Jitae had been raised with hatred from yoon because of her jealous and her anger at his mons death so Jitae doesnt know how to handle emotions properly and is very blood thirsty


- Suryeon got Jian hooked on drugs and hes going through withdrawls right now
- Jin is in love with jian (also jin is in on the revenge plan so i wonder what suryeon did to his family) and wants to crush him so he can love him back
- Jitae had someone take care of Hajoon either killed or beat him up and took him somewhere. I doubt he killed him hes a necessary witness
- Suryeon is trying to get Jitae killed and or to leave the company
- Grandpa appointed Jitae as president and dismissed jian
- Jitae is planning to get as much dirt on everyone as he can. He was going to kill but since Mieum asked he probably wont and because of that yoon will probably snap and try and kill him idk
- Mieum is probably gonna do something real stupid soon
- And ofc Mieum and Jitae are in love

And thats basically it
