Mc didn't listen because he lied to Mc if it weren't for those two spirits Mc wouldn't have known about ML's plan, and you forget how he fucking went and threatened his family without trying to find a better idea to try to get him to join?.If he had open his mouth in the first place Mc wouldn't be in such a problem

First of all, ML didn't lie, he just didn't reveal himself because he had an ulterior motive, the two is different from each other. Second, now that MC know what his motives are plus ML knowing that he hates their organization, do you think a straightforward talk would patch them up? No? What then, should he say that he'll straight out destroy the organization to make him join? ATP he wouldn't believe him either. So the only believable choice is to threaten him with his family. But didn't you fucking read? He was considering of joining him because he thought that it would protect the fox guy but it was all ruined again thanks to the other guys taking the kid.
Additionally, when they fucking threatened to chop of the kid's feet, ML stopped them and negotiate with the kid without knowing that he and MC are related with each other.
MC misunderstood the scene and act out on the spot to protect the kid but the fucking side character tried to fight him causing MC to be triggered and apparently blame ML.

Don't fucking Bark when you can't bite bruh what is this an irl argument???
ML literally did everything wrong and was surprised when MC got mad and disagreed..like even after threatening to go after MC's fam. I didn't say ML Should have shut his mouth instead he should use the fucking thing to communicate better if he wants actual progress with MC and not just "bitch join, or die" like?? Who in this world will trust him after that.
And I did fucking Read and ML is stop stupid bc he us

I know this is all for the plot but you can't really defend the guy when he acted a certain way and then expected an outcome like he wanted. He made dumb decisions, which lead to these chaos so he should really be honest in the first place and if MC didn't join after using the peaceful method don't fucking go using violence and expect nothing but agreement. It's just making things worst

Violence? Oh please, MC was the violent one, I didn't mean it in a bad way but do you fucking think that ML should just take it? Then should we just change the ML to have a dense personality? Wow then he shouldn't recruit MC too then, and let's fucking think, he shouldn't destroy their organization too then because you fucking don't like to see violence. Oh maybe we should change the genre of the story too then, maybe they shouldn't have powers right? Because that's too fucking violent.

As I fucking said, he was CONSIDERING of joining to PROTECT the fox guy, but the other guy from their organization fucking ruined it, as well as the other spirit (when he knew his secret). He he was using his thing called mouth and his fucking head to get close to him in the first place to gain his trust and maybe fucking reveal his intentions when he gained his trust but they just had to ruin it right?
You're just fucking blaming ML and not fucking analyzing the situation.

Literally stop twisting my words I'm sick and tied of it. I literally said ML made dumb decisions so he shouldn't be surprised it got out of control. And Whose fault is it that MC fought back? And got "violent".He was pushed and pressureed by the ML even though he refused to Join ML with words, It's ML that decided to pushed MC to that route.
I never said anyone was violent you reading Maniac, I said Why is ML in destress when obviously none of of this could have happened if he didn't go and be reckless about MC existence which is what lead to those fuckers exorcist to get a signal and found the kid and straight up almost committed a crime and get away with it.
Don't go after me when you don't even understand what I'm trying to say it's annoying
Why are people in the comments so annoying