Maybe I'm old but whenever.a nice love story where two lovers struggle until they finally ...

kagurasama March 24, 2025 5:41 am

Maybe I'm old but whenever.a nice love story where two lovers struggle until they finally get together ends up being all about sex and sex undertones it just makes me feel sad / empty? I don't know, there are other nice things lovers can do when they get together I promise :(

    mangoloco March 24, 2025 7:02 am

    yeah I feel the same tho the reason could be simply that the artist (who could also be the author at the same time) simply wants to show off their anatomy drawing skills, i know its probably not the case for most mangas (the case is most likely that they wanna give as much as possible to an audience that they know will enjoy it), but the anatomy drawings are actually a big flex in the art community and i can from experience say that i learned to draw a lot quicker and better by just studying off of spicy manga scenes

    Anczar March 24, 2025 6:29 pm

    prob a demand from publisher/fans i see one artist dont want to draw much smut and focus on plot but the editor just want porn because apparently that what sells well

    Hopelessromantic March 24, 2025 10:14 pm

    It doesn't make me feel any type of way when it comes to this story because it barely had any sex scenes at all compared to other mangas etc. Also why not other than fluff what else is there to write about in side stories. I'm not a writer or artist so I wouldn't know I just enjoy

    Sour_Patch March 25, 2025 1:52 am
    It doesn't make me feel any type of way when it comes to this story because it barely had any sex scenes at all compared to other mangas etc. Also why not other than fluff what else is there to write about in s... Hopelessromantic

    There were more than enough sex scenes what are you on about ☠

    Hopelessromantic March 25, 2025 2:44 am
    There were more than enough sex scenes what are you on about ☠ Sour_Patch

    I mean compared to other mangas, webtoons etc. I wouldn't say this was a smut based story it has ALOTTTTT of fluff in it.