
libido March 24, 2025 5:13 am

so sorry for how this is going to come off
if i never read fucked up bls i wouldn't read bls. if i skipped Every Single bl that was toxic i wouldn't be able to read half of what i read. yes this situation is beyond fucked up, yes jaekyung is taking advantage of kim dan- it happens in these stories. they're dramatic and blown out of proportion. it's fiction, it's entertainment, it's a distraction from our own reality. i am nothing if not a messy bitch who lives for drama- can't we have this? there is way worse out there.

    ManwhaNerd March 24, 2025 5:26 am

    Just because there's "worse" doesn't mean that it should be normalized to be reading this. Like in the grand scheme of all things rape is rape and no rape is better than or worse than others.

    libido March 24, 2025 6:29 am
    Just because there's "worse" doesn't mean that it should be normalized to be reading this. Like in the grand scheme of all things rape is rape and no rape is better than or worse than others. ManwhaNerd

    i hate the fact it's normalized and i hate the fact my mind immediately glosses over the fact. i don't disagree with you at all there, but sadly i don't think it's ever going to stop in this genre. i'm not advocating for it, if it were up to me the author would have put out a story where kimdan didn't have to suffer through all the rape because it's already enough of a psychological manhwa without it but i'm not the one putting this out. if the author hasn't listened before they're not gonna listen- we can all choose to continue with the story, or move along to another one and forget this one. and all the other manhwas that make rape a central plot point.