Even if it is realistic situation what seme has done is pathetic and horrible and he is an asshole. Yuki stood there strongly people will praise him because he was worth praising seme chickend out and gave up, because of him two people suffered I will call him an asshole.even in real life if someone hurt the other because of his selfishness and is coward enough to stand out for their love because of society norm and make his partner suffer for eight years he is considered as asshole.
And I don't know where is the comparison came from.i don't read any of them but I am Pretty sure no one think that sangwoo is an angel . there genre are different here people see manga as how it is portrayed.

Lol you really haven't seen much of these people who think sangwoo is their lord and savior. You will throw up and send them to a mental institution. Yes what he has done is really retarded but forgiveness comes when the person who has truely felt the guilt. Guilt is worse than anger because anger is short term emotion unlike the feelings of guilt.

More then his guilt.yuki's pain of eight years was more to me.again evn if he is guilty he is hateful and people will hate him for what he have done . A cheater cheats he live his life in guilt but that's does notale his cheating right it's still hateful.and disgusting and he is an asshole for that same with the seme ok he is guilty now took him eight years but oh well he is portrayed like that so I will believe it.but still what he has done is hate full and people will bash him about it.
Oh and haha maybe then I am sorry but I don't know anything about these two mangas.

Haha I'm one of those weirdos!! This isn't the place to discuss another manga but I love Sangwoo/Yoonbum. In the real world I would call the police and hope Sangwoo rots in prison. But because it's just a story I love seeing their twisted relationship. You can lock me in a mental asylum if you want haha but I love their ship because fiction gives us a place to indulge in that kind of thing.
But I agree completely with what you said above about this manga and the seme here. He feels so bad for what he's done, it was a stupid mistake and nothing more.

Hello again. I see now why you asked that question in the other thread. You make a good point about characters who shouldn't be forgiven too easily, but I love flawed characters. I think a character can be flawed and that it adds to the beauty of a manga. Even if Yuuki forgives him too easily, I think it shows the beauty of their love and the strength of Yuuki's character to see the good in Akira, despite his mistake. I also don't think it needs to be reflective of reality. If I was Akira's friend in the real world I'd be like NOPE DON'T FORGIVE HIM DON'T TRUST HIM. But because it's just a story I can indulge even in the flaws of their relationship and really enjoy it for what it is.

I don't know if you guys are disagreeing or saying same thing I am so confused .Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

This isn't Caste Heaven of Killing STalking, which start dark and with characters who are clearly having major issues (mental, emotional, vicious, masochistic) in a sick setting.
This started sweet and fluffy and then went hard, which is fine--the author already gave us a hint that while the seme has strong love feelings, he's the kind who runs way, like he did after their first kiss. He just "disappears" for a while. So the author did give us a hint of the kind of person he was: a coward.
But my problem isn't that he has worried thoughts about losing Yuuki or that he worries about whether he wants kids, etc. My problem is that he ran away NOT because of society, but he feared losing Yuuki..that he couldn't handle loving that much. So, that was HIS weakness and he made Yuuki suffer. How long were they apart, because it seems to me you realize before 8 or 10 years that you cheated a woman and betrayed your lover and need to make amends. He was always thinking about what HE wanted and didn't stop to think "What will I sacrifice to make Yuuki happy." Yuuki gave more than he got in this relationship. The seme always got what he wanted.
He wanted Yuuki, he got it.
He wanted to dump Yuuki, he got it.
He wanted to marry and seem normal, he got it.
So, I'd like to see him suffer a lot more and for him to have to WIN Yuuki back, to regaina trust, not just hi, love you, hug hug. THAT is the part that pisses me off. A person betrays you, mistreats you (he was cruelly cold to Yuuki for a while before dumping him) and then betrays and dumps his wife, and then he just gets what he wants like that, so easily?:
I want him, dramatically, to earn it. Drama is not real life. STory is shaped. Story gives the reader emotion and catharsis and a sense of justice a lot of times. Here, we only see him looking depressed for a bit, then cries one night--good, that's an excellent start--then he, bam, gets Yuuki with a handful of I Love Yous.
No, for this to satisfy me dramatically, he needs to EARN Yuuki's trust and love back. He doesn't just GET it, cause he gets what he wants.
Just my own sense of why I get pissed at their reunion. It's a beautiful setting, the line isn't white (limited), everything on the ground is white (beautiful symbol)---but it's "cheap forgiveness" in my book. He hasn't atoned for the suffering he caused Yuuki. He didn't suffer enough in return to make up for screwing with TWO people.

No. Forgiveness comes when someone WANTS to forgive the other person, FULL. STOP. That Yuuki forgave him is a testament to YUUKI NOT to the seme. If the seme has his faults as you claim to believe why aren't you then, in turn, acknowledging Yuuki's strengths rather than praising the SEME for it? Thanks. Can't have it both ways, sweetie.

I read the raws and they live together until they die.. What does that tell u? That akira has indeed learned his lesson from guilt. Everyone makes mistakes in their life and that is ok when they work to fix it. That was the main intentions from that plot point. It's not like he was an asshole who used yuuki then I would STRONGLY hate him. He truely love him that's why he couldn't forget him.

It was not a stupid mistake. It was a selfish, irrational, cruel decision. A mistake is something that's an accident, like you meant to write "for" and you write "far" or you meant to turn left and you turn right. A decision is something you do intentionally. He did it intentionally for his own selfish reasons.
These people, they come here saying the seme is an asshole. This is realistic situation where they are faced by society. Some fights back like Yuuki and some gives up like the situation for Akira. Gosh you complain about him an asshole? Better complain about that shit with truly asshole seme like castle heaven or killing stalking or at the end of the road.