Thank you so much!! There are 3 on p1xiv, are there any other kakioroshi for specific magazines or stores I missed, and is it still possible to obtain them somewhere cuz the digital purchase on cm0a only had this one :')) What language did you read them in? The scanlation scene is so amazing and amusing to me!!

ok wait my reply got flagged even w/ the cens0ring hgsgsjdg i'll try again
Thank you so much!! There are 3 on p1xiv, are there any other kakioroshi for specific mag4zines or st0res I missed, and is it still possible to obtain them somewhere:')) What language did you read them in? The sc4nlati0n scene is so amazing and amusing to me!!
TYSM dotlfact for this, I know I can always count on your translation! There are so many side stories to this one tho, do you plan to do more of them? Also!!! Nanisore Ai Ka Yo? is so good! And looks like it's gonna have a sequel because even at chap 8 things arent resolved yet. Tho I've read it once in my native language, I'll be looking forward to read it again in English thru your translation! Keep up the good work and dont feel too stressed about this!