I don't get why you have so many downvotes, I'm an avid BL reader but you're 100% right.
I started reading this bc I thought it was BL, I enjoy dark and psychological stories so I got hooked.
Knowing it's not a BL doesn't change my interest for it but I'd be lying if I said I didn't start reading it for that reason.
And that's actually the case for many otherwise interesting stories, some will even avoid them if there's no "gay" in them. It's sad.

It was your choice to interpret it that way, my words didn't suggest anything as I've been trying to tell you.
"Agreed, there's a heavy focus on BL just looking at the front page, NOT SAYING THERE'S NOTHING ELSE like mrm but it's noteworthy."
My exact comment, highlighting my point, heavy focus on BL seeing the front page but I never said there's mainly BL on this site itself!
Those are 2 very different things. Please work on your reading comprehension.
why does everything need to be gay for yall to read it lol