Imagine if this shit had the same art style as obey me, no one would give a fuck about this sotry but man, this artsyle is such a waste on this
Some people like this type of story man. So no, it’s not wasted
legit like it’s not even a good psychological
Literally just a crazy abuser and a victim too stupid to even TRY being logical. Why the fuck is the mc ALWAYs digging hiw own grave like
Sorry I giggled. Nothing against y'all but I hope Lee Geumsan never takes a contract for a healthy manhwa again so she can keep farming rage clicks and people who wish their favorite manhwa looked like hers.
Obey me is still pretty famous, people like this kind of things
Imagine if this shit had the same art style as obey me, no one would give a fuck about this sotry but man, this artsyle is such a waste on this