i want to read kiss me if you can but then i found out it's a spin off of this story, but the cover for this story kinda icks me, it gave me a bad feeling
Keeping it real this story is ehhh I mean there’s not really much to it I wouldn’t say it’s necessary to read this in order to read Kiss me if you can cus it’s different characters. you don’t gotta read this if you don’t want to. Kiss me if you can is so much better than this story.
Keeping it real this story is ehhh I mean there’s not really much to it I wouldn’t say it’s necessary to read this in order to read Kiss me if you can cus it’s different characters. you don’t gotta r... no lol
i want to read kiss me if you can but then i found out it's a spin off of this story, but the cover for this story kinda icks me, it gave me a bad feeling