Criticizing is one thing talking it seriously and going your way to say what BS she gonna pull really if you hate that much and dislike the plot and oh Jaekyung this Jaekyung that like how other people talking about I hope Jaekyung dies like dude it's not that serious if you criticize the storyline and dislike very much the plot why read it yk

I never said I hope Jaekyung dies. I don't see anything wrong with people taking this work of fiction seriously. We're looking at this work seriously from a storyline point of view. It is dumb with how far the author is taking it. It, storywise, does not make sense to push this far and yet still have Jaekyung not have an ounce of empathy if the author was going for a redemption arc. Its not believable. Ppl can still read shit they dislike. Why are you so up in arms about that fact? Based on her previous work, BJ ALEX, she is capable of better work so some ppl stick around. FYI if so many ppl hate your work, the ppl aren't the problem, its the author's.

Nah you clearly misreading sum thing I said there's people taking it seriously like I hope Jaekyung dies I never said you said that Im saying its wrong talking it seriously why because first it's a storyline you as a READER SHOULD KNOW HOW TO COMPREHEND what's going on if you can't simply do that then your not ment to read it but then you have the audacity to say BJ alex is better work when it has some what the same plot alex used Nam Dong-Gyun at the beginning and he was very abusive just likeJaekyung but guess what you don't see people talking shit about him because he end up with him . You sound stupid because you're being biased just because you didnt likes how it end . Now there's sum wrong with the supporter's
There really is nothing the author can do to redeem this character. Still to this point, he does not truly care for Dan at all. "You're no use to me in this condition" How far is the author going to push this for Jaekyung to "realize his feelings" or whatever rushed BS she gonna pull. It isn't enough that Dan is dependent on alcohol, sleepwalking, malnourished and nearly drowns himself. What's the next step? He needs to actually consciously commit suicide? And then what? Jaekyung has a miraculous realization of how he feels? He still going with the sex. Like does the author think we're 5 and can't see through this bullshit?