Cried. This manhwa is perfect from beginning up until the very end. I can't believe how much I cried at the ending, it was just so beautiful, especially when I saw Theor, I felt like he was my own brother. I can really safely brag about this manhwa as my favorite, knowing how it ended. Thank you so much to the artists and for the people who brought this manhwa here. I hope I get the chance to buy its physical form as a payback for how amazing it is.
Cried. This manhwa is perfect from beginning up until the very end. I can't believe how much I cried at the ending, it was just so beautiful, especially when I saw Theor, I felt like he was my own brother. I can really safely brag about this manhwa as my favorite, knowing how it ended. Thank you so much to the artists and for the people who brought this manhwa here. I hope I get the chance to buy its physical form as a payback for how amazing it is.