How do you even get aroused by and have sex with someone who’s in this state Like Jaekyung you were literally in the room when the doctor was explaining to Dan that he’s got psychological issues and sleep disorders AND homeboy is literally drunk. Obviously Dan is out of it and not thinking straight at all. Me, you, and Jaekyung can see this. Yet somehow Jaekyung still got horny and whipped his dick out at mach speed all because Dan looked up at him with the deadest, most emotionless eyes I’ve seen him with so far and told him that he stretched his ass. Like huh? For every step forward the character development takes 15 steps backwards.
And I get that character development isn’t instantaneous and all (especially for a character who’s written to be a complete bastard). But we’re pushing 70 chapters in. We really can’t get a sprinkle of Jaekyung doing the bare minimum? He’s really that weak to Dan’s bussy? Damn.
At this point the story is just Dan self harming through sex. I understand that this is supposed to be a slow burn ‘romance’ and all but y’all. The oven isn’t even on. The shits frozen.
How do you even get aroused by and have sex with someone who’s in this state Like Jaekyung you were literally in the room when the doctor was explaining to Dan that he’s got psychological issues and sleep disorders AND homeboy is literally drunk. Obviously Dan is out of it and not thinking straight at all. Me, you, and Jaekyung can see this. Yet somehow Jaekyung still got horny and whipped his dick out at mach speed all because Dan looked up at him with the deadest, most emotionless eyes I’ve seen him with so far and told him that he stretched his ass. Like huh? For every step forward the character development takes 15 steps backwards.
And I get that character development isn’t instantaneous and all (especially for a character who’s written to be a complete bastard). But we’re pushing 70 chapters in. We really can’t get a sprinkle of Jaekyung doing the bare minimum? He’s really that weak to Dan’s bussy? Damn.
At this point the story is just Dan self harming through sex. I understand that this is supposed to be a slow burn ‘romance’ and all but y’all. The oven isn’t even on. The shits frozen.