
chocobuun March 23, 2025 8:37 pm

May contain mention of spoilers but since it’s apparently changing things from the novel, it might not even be accurate spoilers anymore???
Ngl this is the reason multiple love interests makes the whole story a mess. There’s so many readers on diff sides. Like fiancé is the so-called most normal so a portion of readers wants him to be ML most because normal = green flag. Some want the blondie to be ML because even when he’s crazy they like the relationship dynamic. And some don’t like the ML cause he goes from green flag to crazy. I guess it just depends on personal preference. If you want an average green flag, obsessive red flag, or a green flag to red switch.

Then there’s talk about the artist or author wanting to change the ML?? Which honestly irritates me the most. Cause just stay true to the novel. What’s the point of making an adaptation if you’re not gonna stick to it? You might as well slap on “fan fiction” and make your own plot based off the novel. And if it’s the author wanting to change the ML, why didn’t they write the new ML as the ML of the novel in the first place?? Luckily I’m not a novel reader, cause I can imagine how mad those who actually liked the ML would be if they find out the ML is changed in the manhwa. I also would hate it if the reason for the change was only to cater to the readers wants of their fave ML. That’s the worst part when an author gotta change their story cause whiny readers don’t get what they wanted.

    nanago March 25, 2025 4:05 am

    Who is the original ml in the novel?