Well... SPOILER ALERT! (Only read it if you want spoilers)
What I read from other spoilers is that... The eldest brother did do that... But... Ahem... Ido... Also... Did it to him... So his memory isn't a mistake of faces... But Ido did love him... It was just that... There was a lot of grave misunderstandings that happened which led to Ido being a red flag in the past (tho misunderstandings do not justify his actions in anyway...)
(also it's their second life btw- those happened in their past life, in this life Ido was thankfully able to prevent that from happening to Sejin...)

Thank you for this sis it was driving me crazy waiting ! And Ido better make him the most happiest person in the world after he finds out because I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen! Getting on his knees and begging won’t be enough but I feel like he is the redeemable type. I know that sounds crazy but in the world yaoi it isn’t ! But again I appreciate you and thank you !
Okay hear me out on this I just started reading this last night but I’m at a good point. I’m hear say I think it was the eldest brother who raped him. And I think that him and Ido may have been friends in passing during their school ages years but due to the trauma of the rape he may have repressed those memories given the fact that they kind of look a like. Because to be honest things aren’t connecting so I’m trying make things connect where I may see clues. But I do think Ido feelings for Sejin are true and wish instead of them each having some much internal dialogue they legitimately talk to each other. I know arrange marriages are nasty business but I do have high hopes for these two! I’m throughly enjoying this!