holy peak this is was such a great read! i cannot fathom how some people completely ignore...

blehh :p March 23, 2025 6:32 pm

holy peak this is was such a great read! i cannot fathom how some people completely ignore or overlook why juhyo was so hesitant and afraid throughout the story. i’m sorry but it’s very clear some of you don’t completely understand actual hardships queer people experience every single day. if you’re bothered by it how do you think we feel? it’s very unfair that you get to complain about a character’s decisions despite these being very real situations. being outed in literally any social/familial setting is no joke. neither is being worried about your partner’s safety. holy yap but you get it, i just don’t think it’s completely warranted to shit on juhyo for no reason lol. it’s not that serious but it highkey is
