gurl honestly same, I have my last test final year, final test day after tom then my school year is gonna be over, I AM STRUGGLING TO EVEN SURVIVE , worst feeling when you know you could have done way better if you were just alright but lol. I suggest first, don't stress too much about your test just try getting enough grades for now, cause one day before test no matter what, you cant magically pull a 10/10, and do what you like to do to just make yourself a little productive like when i feel like damn i have been bed rotting so badly i go in my balcony just to draw the things i see, like just the things that make you feel good. Like small things it doesn't have TO BE A BIG AAH drastic change. If you have a mindset like fck i am gonna be like this forever nothing is gonna change, taking small steps towards anything everyday will help you feel just a little better than yesterday so yea dude all the best for tomorrow.
dude what do u do when ure so tired of everything? sleeping, eating, reading, even thinking n feeling things got me so drained rn wtf, idk what to do n my finals r tomorrow. tried to study but nothing is registering, im so fucking empty i gen dont know what to do lmao