I dropped this because I got bored and came back to just kinda check it out to see if peop...

FindCherry March 23, 2025 5:23 pm

I dropped this because I got bored and came back to just kinda check it out to see if people are bored as well or if it’s picking up and the out of context hundreds of comments saying the black haired guy killing himself will make this a good ending is CRAZY yall got me dying laughing
Is it still a boring read? I don’t mind if it’s dark or anything, I just dropped it around the time skip because it just felt repetitive and slow

    Purky March 23, 2025 6:41 pm

    Its boring repetitive and its so obvious how its going to end but the author keeps elongating it for no reason

    saint vincent March 23, 2025 9:37 pm

    it's interesting enough to spend 5 minutes reading every week, but not enough to care about

    Hopelessromantic March 24, 2025 12:36 am

    Ik someone is gonna have to die and I wanna know who which is why I'm sticking around