let the story marinate, let the author cook

wwwkrj March 23, 2025 4:04 pm

nah i'm sorry yall are too used to fast-paced webtoons already cause wym there's no plot or the plot's going no where. it's building up that's where it is TT say what you want about the direction of the story but you could also just wait for it to develop more...

come back after like 10-20 chapters. yall are mostly just mad you have to wait a week to be fed for free and still want more after a new chapter drop. don't judge a book by its cover, and don't judge a story before it's over.

    KimDokjaMySonMummyLovesYou March 23, 2025 7:15 pm

    Everyone is sharing there opinion. Everyone have the right to criticize good or bad doesn’t matter if we are reading it freely/illegally. The comment section here is for a reason where we can share our like or dislike. It is not like we are cursing or talking bad about author. Opinion can be good or bad, take it or leave it. You don't have to point out that we are reading illegally including you which is very immature.
    And, if we are talking about plot, everyone is frustrated because how the characters are going downhill when they were good in S1. And no one is mad about waiting when there is no cliffhanger. Most people mad about the brother's immature decision and stubbornness.