……I find his glasses yuck. I wish he’d take them off. Also, I am so confused. The world building is a little choppy. I may be missing something, but I am hoping the gaps are filled as I keep reading. I am unclear as to what his trigger and ability does. Why does he appear so weak? Also, what is the role dynamic between esper and guide? It seems,as if there are additional powers the guides have in this story compared to typical guide verse.
……I find his glasses yuck. I wish he’d take them off. Also, I am so confused. The world building is a little choppy. I may be missing something, but I am hoping the gaps are filled as I keep reading. I am unclear as to what his trigger and ability does. Why does he appear so weak? Also, what is the role dynamic between esper and guide? It seems,as if there are additional powers the guides have in this story compared to typical guide verse.