Downfall after BJ Alex

arediv March 23, 2025 2:44 pm

The downfall after BJ Alex is wild. I’d never thought her next work will be so shitty. Alex/Jiwon was an asshole but in a normal way. He was rude, because he got hurt long time ago. It wasn’t so weird that he changed, it all made sense. Also, he didn’t act like a feelingless psychopath. But this on the other hand… This story is so bad that I read it only to see how worse it can get. I can’t even imagine Jaekhyung changing in ANY WAY. After all he has done, how their relationship can turn into romance and love? Bl community is getting worse and worse

    Nlove March 23, 2025 2:54 pm

    I totally agree. I thought jk would at least, after dan run away, realised a little bit of his behaviour, but he hasn't changed anything, he's still a fricking asshole, how would this story end with a happy ending after this? How much more of dan being used like a toy? I just want dan to rest and be happy...

    arediv March 23, 2025 3:02 pm
    I totally agree. I thought jk would at least, after dan run away, realised a little bit of his behaviour, but he hasn't changed anything, he's still a fricking asshole, how would this story end with a happy end... Nlove

    Exactly! And I was so excited for this story, because BJ Alex is one of my favourite. But the disappointment is beyond words