Explaining since yall don’t understand

sleepyhead March 23, 2025 3:41 pm

Just a few chapters ago, Dr. Seok was already flagged by the higher ups as untrustworthy and suspicious. Then, just one chapter ago, we find out that the First Master ordered to kill Dr. Oh on ‘grounds of rebel activity’. Right after hearing that, Kwak sees the code in Dr. Seok and him trying to contact Eden. Of course he is scared and pissed at Seokhwa. Scared that Dr. Seok will be killed like Dr. Oh and pissed because he works for Eden after we saw how fucked they are/still trying to do stuff after explicitly being told to keep it down. He is supposed to tell higher ups and execute him, but he doesn’t. Instead he is keeping it low and just brings Seokwa for detention.

His loyalty is not to Rainbow City and you could tell by his disdain towards the higher ups and from his background. He is literally abusing his power to SAVE Seokhwa. Even when he thinks he is working with Eden.

If he left Seokhwa be (in other words, turning a blind eye AGAIN), he would’ve been killed!!! Especially when the tension is rising between rebels and Rainbow City’s masters. Then there’s beef between masters themselves. It was only a matter of time before Dr. Seok would’ve been found out, so being found out by Kwak was THE best case scenario.

Reading some of the comments I feel like people just skip the dialogue and not understand what’s happening in the manhwa.

Major Kwak is doing the best he can in the current situation.

    PrettyMenSupremacy March 23, 2025 3:25 pm


    (also the second master is the crippled dude btw, weird mustache that executed Dr.Oh is first master)

    sleepyhead March 23, 2025 3:35 pm
    AHHHHH I LOVE YOUUUU ヽ(`Д´)ノ SOMEONE NEEDS TO SAY IT (also the second master is the crippled dude btw, weird mustache that executed Dr.Oh is first master) PrettyMenSupremacy

    My mistake. Yes, First Master ordered to execute Dr. Oh. Not the second master.

    crying March 23, 2025 11:57 pm

    THE ARREST WAS ON CAMERA! THE STATEMENT KWAK BLURTED JUSTIFYING THE ARREST WAS ON CAMERA. Do you not understand that that alone would get seok killed?

    crying March 23, 2025 11:57 pm
    THE ARREST WAS ON CAMERA! THE STATEMENT KWAK BLURTED JUSTIFYING THE ARREST WAS ON CAMERA. Do you not understand that that alone would get seok killed? crying

    the whole REASON why seok had to write in code was BECAUSE OF THE CAMERAS. bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    sleepyhead March 24, 2025 3:23 am
    the whole REASON why seok had to write in code was BECAUSE OF THE CAMERAS. bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh crying

    So loud and for what

    sleepyhead March 24, 2025 3:42 am
    THE ARREST WAS ON CAMERA! THE STATEMENT KWAK BLURTED JUSTIFYING THE ARREST WAS ON CAMERA. Do you not understand that that alone would get seok killed? crying

    Do you hear yourself? Dr. Seok would’ve been caught either way. Like you said, the cameras are right fucking there. And higher ups are already suspicious of him, so it was a matter of time when they would notice and get ahold of him. Then guess fucking what would’ve happened to him. Use your head to guess what would the higher ups do with Seokhwa ESPECIALLY when the Eden is trying to gain power.

    Doctor was not safe there at all. Not with Serpant that’s now working with him. Not with higher ups that are itching for a reason to get rid of Seokhwa.

    In the novel, which I fucking read, the only reason Seokhwa survives and gets to work on his cure peacefully is because Kwak did this. He took him to detention, stripped his title and kept him under his wing away from the masters and higher ups. Kwak also omitted a lot of information from higher ups about Seokhwa.

    Now I want you to explain exactly how he was supposed to do in that situation right after finding out that the First Master killed Dr. Oh on top of establishing that Eden (which Dr. Seok is trying to contact) do human experimentations and are also dangerous. The only decision would be to take the matter into his own hands, when, AS WAS ESTABLISHED IN THE MANHWA, things are about to become unstable with the internal struggle between First and Second Master. Let’s put on our thinking caps or go read the novel.

    sleepyhead March 24, 2025 4:36 am
    the whole REASON why seok had to write in code was BECAUSE OF THE CAMERAS. bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh crying

    I was using your own logic with the cameras to show how weak it is.

    About mother. Here’s what it says about Mother in the novels (and I’m pretty sure it was also said in manhwa):

    1) Mother, designed long ago based on AI capabilities, rarely provided clear answers beyond its stored data. Developing vaccines and eradicating Adam still fell to humans.

    2) (after terrorist attack) “Why couldn’t Mother prevent it?”
    “Mother is an AI-based main server and doesn’t act on its own judgment. It only follows orders. This time, as per protocol, it started sealing off the floors where Adams appeared. Closing all floors indiscriminately could have caused even more damage.”

    Aka, Mother is just a main server that stores information: camera videos, recordings, data, etc. Until a person with clearing accesses it, Mother won’t do anything. And mother is not omnipotent.

    After arrest, Kwak brought Seokhwa into the shelter with no cameras and interrogated him then stripped him off his title. In other words, he abused his power and just fired Seok instead of killing him or giving him to higher ups. Then kept him in a secure shelter.

    Here are more quotes:

    1) (during interrogation) “Currently, Rainbow City is in conflict between First and Second. In such a situation, there’s always a risk of bloodshed. At least, consider my warning as words spoken for the safety of Dr. Seok.”
    ‘Considering that immediate execution was possible, it wasn’t entirely incorrect to say that keeping him alive went against his words.’

    ‘The saying that curiosity kills the cat now applied to Seokhwa as well. However, it was strange that Kwak Soohwan was offering him a chance. If everything he had shown earlier was false, then simply executing him would have sufficed.’

    2) Major Kwak: “Superiors still don’t know. They just think Dr. Seok has been relocated to Gwacheon. I’ll demote you to a regular citizen with my authority, and you’ll reside here in Violet Zone Shelter. I’ll support you so you can continue your research here.”

    3) Dr. Seok: “In retrospect, Kwak Soohwan’s warnings to him so far were aimed at avoiding the execution by the superiors. If someone other than Kwak Soohwan had discovered the binary code cipher first, he would no longer be a person in this world. Keeping the incident of (redacted: huge spoiler) a secret also seemed like Kwak Soohwan’s attempt to protect him.” (Chapter 28 of the novel)

    Anything fucking else to yell at me?

    crying March 24, 2025 4:40 am
    Do you hear yourself? Dr. Seok would’ve been caught either way. Like you said, the cameras are right fucking there. And higher ups are already suspicious of him, so it was a matter of time when they would not... sleepyhead

    first of all thanks for the spoilers. second, I’m literally only using the information I’m getting from the manhwa, of course it would be that painstakingly obvious to you that everything turns out hunky dory because you read the novel. As far as the MANHWA (not the novel since you’re clearly having trouble differentiating what has happened between the two) is concerned right now, the only reason higher-ups would have an idea what seok was doing was because of the arrest kwak so kindly shouted out loud. Yes I agree seok is inevitably sealing his own fate, but that doesn’t mean I agree with how Kwak handled it. But I guess now since I know what happens cause some ass wipe decided to spoiled it, Kwak’s arrest was the best idea ever! wow!

    crying March 24, 2025 4:48 am
    I was using your own logic with the cameras to show how weak it is.About mother. Here’s what it says about Mother in the novels (and I’m pretty sure it was also said in manhwa):1) Mother, designed long ago ... sleepyhead

    My assumption would be the first master would be keeping tabs on kwak considering their most recent conversation, and Kwak would be an idiot not to assume the same. This is why I’m pissed at what I perceived to be Kwak’s thoughtlessness (had cameras not been involved, I would agree with Kwak). Also notice how Seok in the situation of the arrest also is also terrified of what Kwak is doing/might do? How the fuck am I supposed to know things that have been explicit in the novel and manhwa??

    sleepyhead March 24, 2025 5:08 am
    first of all thanks for the spoilers. second, I’m literally only using the information I’m getting from the manhwa, of course it would be that painstakingly obvious to you that everything turns out hunky do... crying

    Even going off the manhwa it’s obvious that it was the only course of action. I read the novel after this chapter and it was obvious even then. Were you reading out of your ass? Even without fucking spoilers it was black and white: Dr. Oh was killed. Seokhwa next. Major Kwak helped Dr. Seok several times and turned a blind eye to many things. Why the fuck would he betray him now when they established in the same fucking chapter that Major Kwak has no loyalty to higher ups. Use. Your. Fucking. Head.

    Fucking womp womp. I’ve spoiled the next few chapters and its small details. Go fucking cry about it. There was no other way to talk to someone as dense as you without bringing concrete proof to shut your mouth.

    Why should I have respect for you when you came at me first. Either learn to talk or get consequences. If you started this normally, I would’ve talked differently. So now sybau.

    crying March 24, 2025 5:21 am
    Even going off the manhwa it’s obvious that it was the only course of action. I read the novel after this chapter and it was obvious even then. Were you reading out of your ass? Even without fucking spoilers ... sleepyhead

    no way you got that heated because i used CAPS… It feels weird how you can only quote the novel for evidence. The manhwa was written in a way so that the audience would doubt what Kwak’s intentions were in the arrest. Quite literally in chapter 56 kwak says and I quote “let it go before I turn you into the military police myself… this is your last warning”. Don’t think it’s that crazy to think Kwak may just arrest Seok and have him killed, I mean it is what Seok thought. Anyways have a nice day or go fuck yourself, dealers choice. idc.

    sleepyhead March 24, 2025 7:30 am
    no way you got that heated because i used CAPS… It feels weird how you can only quote the novel for evidence. The manhwa was written in a way so that the audience would doubt what Kwak’s intentions were in ... crying

    Your tone was disrespectful here and in the other discussion, using words like “do you not understand?” and overall condescending tone on top of caps. It came out aggressive. I just started matching your tone when my answer to you was neutral. So sybau.

    You want me to use manhwa examples? Okay.

    1) Chapter 13. Both Seok and Kwak slept in the same bed naked. Dr. Seok even went into Kwak’s pants and was slapped by his dick and talking about ‘extracting sperm’. Later, when they said they are lovers - the only ‘evidence’ higher ups had was the overheard conversation between them in the elevator. In chapter 30, they literally make out on Kwak’s bed. Even later,

    2) Chapter 19. Seok says that Dr.Oh was probably killed because he went against higher-ups wishes. Kwak replies: “That’s a very dangerous statement. You’re lucky I turned it off” (talking about the camera in the car.

    3) Chapter 30-31. Seok lies that he was unconscious the whole time he was abducted, but next chapter he goes to Kwak’s room and talks about the information that the Serpant told him. Including Dr.Oh will, recorded right before his death, that Serpant had. Seok even ‘bribes’ Kwak to give him access to files, which should’ve gotten both of them in trouble. Furthermore, Seok, again, tell Kwak how he is unsure about Rainbow City and how everything is weird, which, as Kwak said earlier, a very dangerous statement and ‘is a mark of a rebel’ (direct quote from the chapter). Per your outrage and logic, Seok should’ve been under arrest or had his right revoked long time ago, but nothing happened.

    4) Chapter 31. Seok opens the murder file for Dr. Oh and it’s says: “The surveillance could not be recovered”. Even with level 1 access and for a person who is literally investigating this case. Another case of how easy it is to just tempt with Mother database.

    5) Chapter 32. Seok remembers a researcher, Dr. Wonho, who was arrested under suspicion of working with rebels. He was interrogated for a week and then they used a PROHIBITED truth serum on him and other researchers (and tortured them too). Seok wasn’t put through it because Dr. Oh stood up for him and said that Seok wouldn’t survive it, which is true. Now what do you think would’ve happened if Kwak wasn’t the one who found out the papers. Dr. Wonho was then executed.

    6) Same chapter (32). Seok was brought into interrogation room to talk further about the kidnapping incident. As you brought up, General Lee was suspicious of Seok, so he should’ve kept a close eye on him? But during interrogation, they had no idea what was said in the Kwak’s room. When Seok said that he remembered a voice, Yoo Jeongkyung was surprised and asked ‘didn’t you say you were unconscious?” and Seok replied “I couldn’t remember clearly because of concussion”. Later things escalated, but Jeongkyung asked “what were you doing in Kwak’s room?”. Meaning, they had no access to camera recordings or they just don’t exist if even general can’t access it for investigation. And it was already established how Rainbow City military LOVES to jump people if there is a hint of rebellion in a person.

    7) 37. Seok says he developed resistance to the truth serum and Kwak replies: “don’t make it too obvious for the military police”. Then it shows that they were literally under the camera that looks directly at them. Nothing happened.

    Then there’s terrorist attack, where, again, it’s obvious Dr. Kim is the main suspect on who handed the kid virus, but they couldn’t find evidence.

    I can continue for a long time, giving you examples of Mother not being omnipotent and could be tempered with. Or maybe cameras just don’t have microphones. Either way, there were so fucking many instances and Seok was fine.

    And even if higher-ups saw the detention of Seok, Kwak has authority to say that he detained him, interrogated him, found out that he didn’t actually worked with rebels and punished him, so they don’t need to worry about it. Alternatively, he could say ‘I executed him’ and make up evidence. Either way, he wouldn’t let Seok to be in danger, because in MANHWA it was shown many times how he saved his ass or covered for him/turned a blind eye.

    sleepyhead March 24, 2025 7:48 am
    no way you got that heated because i used CAPS… It feels weird how you can only quote the novel for evidence. The manhwa was written in a way so that the audience would doubt what Kwak’s intentions were in ... crying

    About spoilers.

    I didn’t say anything huge or something that wasn’t already alluded to in the manhwa.

    Serpent? Look at recent chapter and heavy implications when Seok heard the guy’s voice.

    Detention and cure? It’s obvious that Kwak won’t do anything to Seok (again, read manhwa and at all of his actions). Cure? That’s literally Seok’s goal. He wants to contact Eden only because he wants to work on cure. He said it multiple times.

    Then I just mentioned what exactly Seok thinks about detention, which is not a spoiler. And I also removed/redacted huge spoilers.

    All of the shit will happen in just next few chapters. I didn’t spoil you the whole novel or a huge plot twist. Fucking relax. Those are minor spoilers and there’s much more interesting shit happening in the next 9 chapters.

    And yes. It’s not crazy to think that Kwak would kill Seok. But only if you weren’t reading the manhwa at all. Kwak already knows that Seok has connections to Eden. Why tf would he freak out and get him killed because of what he found?

    Let’s use critical thinking and media analysis. It’s established that Kwak likes Seok and has feeling for him. He wants him to be safe, but knows that Seok is too curious for his own good, so he tries to scare him into stopping digging. He also mentioned that Eden literally experiments on people and their soldiers. Then he finds out that Dr.Oh was indeed killed by First Master for ‘rebel activities’. What Seok is doing is considered rebel activities. So he is worried. He goes to his room to check and sighs with relief when he doesn’t find anything. But when he finds the locked drawer - he is panicking.

    His whole reaction is him being scared for Seok and mad that Seok didn’t listen to him. Seok is unreliable narrator when it comes to emotions or reading people/understanding them. Multiple times it’s shown in the manhwa where he doesn’t know why he feels certain way, why Kwak kissed him, why Kwak helps him, etc. He also takes Kwak’s threat at face value. So ofc he wouldn’t understand that Kwak is protecting him.

    However, YOU, a reader, who has multiple POVs and full picture, supposed to use your thinking abilities and understand what is happening and why it’s happening. Literally how were you reading the last 60 chapters if you think Kwak was serious about his threat when the whole manhwa it shows his growing affection for Seok and protective he is with people he cares about.

    sleepyhead March 24, 2025 8:19 am
    no way you got that heated because i used CAPS… It feels weird how you can only quote the novel for evidence. The manhwa was written in a way so that the audience would doubt what Kwak’s intentions were in ... crying

    Also Kwak was close to Dr. Oh. He was there when Dr. Oh was grieving and Dr. Oh was the one who brought Kwak into the Rainbow City by helping him enlist in military. Dr. Oh was taking care of him and knew Kwak’s parents/was close to them. Kwak also gave warnings to Dr. Oh that higher ups are watching him. Then Dr. Oh died and Kwak couldn’t protect him.

    Now why do you think he is acting this way with a person he actually loves? Right after finding out that Dr. Oh was killed by the higher-ups and Seok is going the same route as him even though Kwak gave him warnings and hints. You really think, after all that development and helping Seok, he just decides to suddenly turn 180 with no reason?

    But you are listening to Seok, who was established as a person who has ‘no emotions’ (chapter 13) and was isolated his whole life, keeping people, except his mother and grandma, away. To trust his point of view as the truth and accurate judgement when it involves things he doesn’t know about or understand (he doesn’t know about Dr. Oh, Kwak’s feelings, current politics of Rainbow city, etc). Instead of making your own judgement, as you should, as a reader. Okay.

    Randomreader-.- March 25, 2025 11:09 pm

    Thankyou for clarifying I was just about to write this. The whole comment section is going insane stating that Kwak is a ‘traitor’, while he is literally trying to do the best he can to keep him save.

    sleepyhead March 26, 2025 12:07 am
    Thankyou for clarifying I was just about to write this. The whole comment section is going insane stating that Kwak is a ‘traitor’, while he is literally trying to do the best he can to keep him save. Randomreader-.-

    Yes. And his reaction also understandable: he was close to Dr.Oh and he was killed. He found out that Dr.Oh was killed for ‘rebel activities’ and Dr.Seok, who he loves, is also in danger. You can see his relief when he thought Seok stopped doing stuff that can get him killed, but goes into panic when he sees the code.

    Dr.Seok doesn’t understand that with Eden gaining more influence, if he gets caught - he won’t just die. He will be tortured and then executed like people before him, but worse. Kwak understands it and that’s why he is terrified in the beginning.