you'll understand riftan more when you read the novel. i mean maxi being there was the reason she had a miscarriage and then it snowballed to decisions like being back to his father where she was locked up.
maxi is her own person but she have to understand she didn't grew up in war and she barely can keep her mana up, she is eating more than she could right now.
I understand Riftan but I also think that Maxi is right in her choices, she is really helping, unfortunately the war has consequences, but I'm happy that she chose to do her part, even if the reason was just to be closer to Riftan.
you'll understand riftan more when you read the novel. i mean maxi being there was the reason she had a miscarriage and then it snowballed to decisions like being back to his father where she was locked up.
maxi is her own person but she have to understand she didn't grew up in war and she barely can keep her mana up, she is eating more than she could right now.
a lot would still happen so watch out for it