I will check on this work form time to time just to see how fucking, bad it keeps getting the top is a piece of shit at this point that can't even say he cares about the damn dude. Like bj Alex wasn't even this bad.
Bj Alex was nowhere near this bad, and that’s what makes me hate this and the creator so much. This story is just basic rape over and over again with no sign of any redemption in sight. I’ll feel pretty disappointed that the creator can go from making a great story like bj Alex to this
Bj Alex was nowhere near this bad, and that’s what makes me hate this and the creator so much. This story is just basic rape over and over again with no sign of any redemption in sight. I’ll feel pretty dis... Small_Potato13
Really? I thought it was pretty bad. Not as bad as this but still very bad LOL
I will check on this work form time to time just to see how fucking, bad it keeps getting the top is a piece of shit at this point that can't even say he cares about the damn dude. Like bj Alex wasn't even this bad.