Just a long rant post gonna drop the series. Thanks y'all for opening my eyes

HuaHua March 23, 2025 1:09 pm

If I'm Riftan.

If my wife, that I want to protect, with my own life, send her life to the very danger itself, I'm called hot headed? Someone who doesn't respect their own wife?

My wife doesn't respect my decision to keep her safe

Do you know how your feelings clouding your judgement?

Do you think military general could keep their sanity if they saw their own wife could be in danger?

If Maxi is trained for war since she was a kid, sure, maybe she can be any of help. But idk, she is a frail preggo noble woman. What do I expect her to do

Don't saying smth dumb like " its unfair but Riftan goes to war since he was young" do you think he'd go there if he could not to?

Also I saw spoiler she got miscarriage. Goddamn. Imma stop here.

    Terukinha March 23, 2025 1:41 pm

    Oh dear, I totally agree with you.
    He was a hot head in Anatol, that was true.
    But now? He is totally right!!!

    In the novel, that scene was much more tense, totally breathtaking!!!
    I almost could sense Riftans anger.

    But I don't feel the same way about the Manhwa... ( ̄へ ̄)

    Ender March 23, 2025 2:12 pm

    I see both sides honestly, Riftan has every right to be angry for this, but I also understand Maxi wanting to contribute more and feeling anxious stuck behind just waiting for him to come home alive or as a corpse. But it was definitely incredibly foolish.

    But we know how helpful she has been so far, they call her the most skilled cleric in the camp for a reason, and I guarantee she never would have gone if she knew she was pregnant.

    Very messy situation, my guy Riftan is gonna get grey hairs by his mid 30s with all this stress.

    MysticMage10 March 23, 2025 2:18 pm

    Nah, Riftan was the first to show his distrust towards Maxi. He never respected *her* decisions, on top of silencing her each time she tried to open up to him or express her concerns about something. How tf did you expect her to react? The girl's been sheltered enough, she doesn't need that treatment from her husband, who apparently loves and cares about her a lot. Of course Maxi would take matters into her own hands after all the arguments between them not to mention Riftan throwing a tantrum, preferring to fuck his way into bed with Maxi rather than actually fucking *talk* to her. At least Maxi tried, more than once, to grow a back bone and voice her grievances to Riftan, which was followed by him throwing a fit just because he doesn't trust his wife enough to keep herself safe even though she's training with the one of most powerful mages in the land.

    I defend Maxi because she's actually made an effort to grow and it definitely shows a lot, meanwhile it just seems to me like Riftan is holding her back, on top of the uncomfortable fact that he's sleeping with her basically every night despite the lack of communication between the two. Riftan, by comparison looks worse since he's doing more bitching and less growing, while Maxi is becoming stronger and building autonomy. It's okay to want to protect your loved one, but Riftan is too overprotective, possessive and not to mention smothering.

    Terukinha March 23, 2025 2:41 pm

    hahahaha what a bullshit was that?

    He protect her, because she was raised locked in a castle during her whole life.
    she's getting stronger, of course. Everyone, even Riftan praises her a lot of times.

    i don't remember the manhwa, but in the novel Riftan sure is overprotective, but he recognizes Maxi efforts!
    And he DON'T KNOW about her past, what he knows is that she is a noble woman, frail and pampered.
    Not a single sane person would allow her to go to the battlefield.

    You just described Riftan as a toxic person.
    That is exactly what he is NOT!
    Maxi wants to be helpful to him, but she HAS TO KNOW HER LIMITS!!!
    She is in the wrong here, no matter what you say.
    Sure, she will save many lives, but she is still in the wrong here!!!

    HuaHua March 23, 2025 5:43 pm
    Nah, Riftan was the first to show his distrust towards Maxi. He never respected *her* decisions, on top of silencing her each time she tried to open up to him or express her concerns about something. How tf did... MysticMage10

    Yes. So what do you want is Maxi to be in the front line?

    Idk about you but I've seen like at least a dozen female characters being "I can do it too" then got kidnapped, almost killed by enemies, or being the source of disaster itself just because she thought she could do it. And suddenly this cute little wife gonna make their husbands go search for them, help them, clean up their mess.

    Maxi is the Lady of The House, Riftan is the Lord, who gotta protect their territory. Both has their own respective job to do.

    She trained with the most powerful mage, so is she the most powerful mage rn? Does that mean she would never be in danger?

    God, if I love my wife as much as Riftan do. It's not just gonna break my heart if something happened to her. I'm gonna lose my sanity. And a leader who lost their sanity, do you know what that's mean? Chaos. In the middle of the war.

    Maxi would gained more respect if she know what she can do best without endangered herself.

    Maybe my expectations too high for her to gather supplies for the army or gained allies and support instead to go there herself.

    Anyway. Have a nice day. Like I said in the beginning. This is a long rant, not an opening for a debate. I never like Maxi, and won't ever like her type. I've had enough of a walking ticking bomb MCs.