So, are they gonna do it?

purgaytory candidate ♡ March 23, 2025 1:08 pm

So, are they gonna do it?

    Mr.Poopybuttholeman March 23, 2025 10:33 pm

    If they didn't show them doing it when they were in his mountain/home thingy then they ain't showin them doing it, it's still such an amazing story without smut.

    god is TIAN JIA RUI March 24, 2025 4:04 am

    Even if they do, that would be just scenes to tell they doing it.

    purgaytory candidate ♡ March 24, 2025 4:15 am
    If they didn't show them doing it when they were in his mountain/home thingy then they ain't showin them doing it, it's still such an amazing story without smut. Mr.Poopybuttholeman

    Uhm I know, it's obvious as heck. No smut tag so I wasn't expecting anything like that. The story is so good that you won't need anything smut. I'm just genuinely curious.

    purgaytory candidate ♡ March 24, 2025 4:16 am
    Even if they do, that would be just scenes to tell they doing it. god is TIAN JIA RUI

    Again, I know. I am just genuinely curious since he's technically a child.

    Mr.Poopybuttholeman March 24, 2025 6:17 am
    Again, I know. I am just genuinely curious since he's technically a child. purgaytory candidate ♡

    While Paljae may have characteristics that resemble those of a child—such as emotional detachment, innocence, or even a youthful appearance—that doesn’t mean he is a child, especially in a literal sense.

    god is TIAN JIA RUI March 24, 2025 10:18 am
    Again, I know. I am just genuinely curious since he's technically a child. purgaytory candidate ♡

    Since Paljae isn't human, I don't think it is wise to align him with human ages or mentality. He's being that born with fastest developing minds and certainly can't be the same with human process in understanding the world. So, even if they're having intercourse, that can't be said as Ryeong doing the deed with a child.

    I thought we already pass this discussion. The cover changed into both Ryeong in white & black hair because of some readers lack of understanding and calling Ryeong grooming Paljae.

    Mr.Poopybuttholeman March 24, 2025 10:26 am
    Since Paljae isn't human, I don't think it is wise to align him with human ages or mentality. He's being that born with fastest developing minds and certainly can't be the same with human process in understandi... god is TIAN JIA RUI

    Omg I know I don’t know why some people are still talking about this subject, i hate when people assume Ryeong is grooming Paljae like stfu and re-read the damn thing if you don’t understand

    god is TIAN JIA RUI March 24, 2025 10:37 am
    Omg I know I don’t know why some people are still talking about this subject, i hate when people assume Ryeong is grooming Paljae like stfu and re-read the damn thing if you don’t understand Mr.Poopybuttholeman

    Alright, you confuse me ( ̄∇ ̄")
    You're asking r they going to do it, because you said, technically he's a child. I thought you have misunderstand for Paljae being a 'child' but doing the deed. But alright, all is well sis

    Mr.Poopybuttholeman March 24, 2025 10:45 am
    Alright, you confuse me ( ̄∇ ̄")You're asking r they going to do it, because you said, technically he's a child. I thought you have misunderstand for Paljae being a 'child' but doing the deed. But alright, ... god is TIAN JIA RUI

    No no I just said he had some characteristics of a child but he isn’t literally a child yk, sorry I’m horrible at phrasing things ┗( T﹏T )┛

    god is TIAN JIA RUI March 24, 2025 10:49 am
    No no I just said he had some characteristics of a child but he isn’t literally a child yk, sorry I’m horrible at phrasing things ┗( T﹏T )┛ Mr.Poopybuttholeman

    It's in my part too not try to find your meaning. I'm glad you enjoy reading this manhwa

    Mr.Poopybuttholeman March 24, 2025 10:58 am
    It's in my part too not try to find your meaning. I'm glad you enjoy reading this manhwa god is TIAN JIA RUI

    Thank you and I am and will continue to enjoy reading this manhwa, I love these two ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    purgaytory candidate ♡ March 24, 2025 4:31 pm
    Alright, you confuse me ( ̄∇ ̄")You're asking r they going to do it, because you said, technically he's a child. I thought you have misunderstand for Paljae being a 'child' but doing the deed. But alright, ... god is TIAN JIA RUI

    Dude, Paljae is portrayed as a child in the early stages of this MASTERPIECE. He has no memories, an empty creature.
    The reason why am GENUINELY asking is because if they'll do it in the next chapter, he won't be considered as child anymore. I WON'T consider him as a child anymore.
    WTF is wrong with you both?
    PALJAE IS A CHILD OF WINTER. Don't shit with me.

    purgaytory candidate ♡ March 24, 2025 4:35 pm
    Omg I know I don’t know why some people are still talking about this subject, i hate when people assume Ryeong is grooming Paljae like stfu and re-read the damn thing if you don’t understand Mr.Poopybuttholeman

    I don't even think that Ryeong is grooming Paljae. Ryeong is responsible, he was careful with Paljae's education and such. So STFU. :))

    god is TIAN JIA RUI March 25, 2025 12:51 am
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Dude, Paljae is portrayed as a child in the early stages of this MASTERPIECE. He has no memories, an empty creature.The reason why am GENUINELY asking is because if they'll do it in t... purgaytory candidate ♡

    You and the one replied to me have similar name with P-something. I thought the one replied me is you with contradictory ideas, turns out to be different users.

    Looks like you have problem in reading comprehension. Like, r u illiterate? Can't you understand the meaning conveyed through words?
    The 'child' topic here, what I and the one above me replied, regarded as someone with lack of better understanding for the world. Whom easily manipulated as they didn't know better. Like a human child with such innocent that older figure can easily groomed. This could bring wrongful understanding for Ryeong conducting any intimate moment with Paljae.

    You say Paljae won't be a child anymore if he has sex with Ryeong? What kind of thinking is that. You're saying a child can suddenly be mature if they having intercourse. If your brain work like this, Paljae already mature then. Because he has intercourse with Ryeong, IN THIS TIMELINE, during Ryeong's recovery in chapter 108 and confirmed by Ryeong asking Paljae did they sleep together in chap 112. Yet you still asking will they sleep together to make it Paljae become mature. Isn't this showing how lacking you understanding the story? THEY HAVE DONE IT.

    Paljae fated to be 'Child of the Winter'. Not 'child' in the meaning for human early stage as a child. But beings that born from winter. He's beings that born to rule a realm. The winter realm. Thus he was born from such realm.
    His capacity and capability can't be the same with human stage that only mature and know any better through lessons and experiences which also require a lot of time to mature. Paljae was said to be empty creature because his has no memory. Like an empty jar, but doesn't mean his mental capacity is limited like any child does. It won't take time for Paljae to understand how the world works because his mental age already developed. He has his own preference without anyone teach him what is good or bad for him. For now, He's just not wise enough like a divine God supposed to be.

    purgaytory candidate ♡ March 25, 2025 6:50 am
    I don't even think that Ryeong is grooming Paljae. Ryeong is responsible, he was careful with Paljae's education and such. So STFU. :)) purgaytory candidate ♡


    I'm surprised you're still investing time in this pointless conversation. *smirks*
    This will be my last reply, I have priorities and will not engage further.
    I won't engage in a discussion where my words are consistently misinterpreted.

    Just to establish context, YOU decided to respond to my boring question. Your response was a voluntary.

    In the concluding scenes of Chapter 112, Paljae said
    I am different from who I was back then."
    — check the last few panels of the said chapter :)

    In this timeline, they didn't have intercourse or coitus yet. They didn't "SLEEP" together.
    That's the main REASON why I decided to drop that boring question.

    I can read and write just fine, I'm not "illiterate".
    How about you then? I think you should revisit your reading comprehension skills.

    Now, about my reply:
    " The reason why I'm GENUINELY asking is because if they'll do it in the next chapter, he won't be considered as child anymore. I WON'T consider him as a child anymore."
    I won't consider him as a child anymore.
    Just to EXPAND on what I said earlier,
    once they "sleep" together, I will perceive Plajae as someone courageous, passionate, and a mature man who still maintains a touch of childishness.
    My opinion of him is MY OWN, I don't see how it affects you. I'm not obligated to justify my thoughts to you.
    And please, I am not saying that "a child can suddenly be mature if they're having intercourse." OMFG! Maturity is a lifelong process, and some may still be working on it in their 60s.

    Paljae is a child of winter. He has the CHARACTERISTICS of a child, he was portrayed as a child in the early stages of this Webtoon. You can't convince me otherwise.
    Your inability to comprehend me now is not my problem anymore. Period.


    ' Since Paljae isn't human, I don't think it is wise to align him with human ages or mentality. '

    'Like a human child with such innocent that older figure can easily groomed.'

    So "unwise" of you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    I have a life too, goodbye!

    purgaytory candidate ♡ March 25, 2025 6:54 am
    THIS IS FOR USER "god is TIAN JIA RUI"Wow..I'm surprised you're still investing time in this pointless conversation. *smirks*This will be my last reply, I have priorities and will not engage further.I won't eng... purgaytory candidate ♡



    god is TIAN JIA RUI March 25, 2025 12:26 pm
    "DUE TO USER'S SETTING YOU CAN'T REPLY."WHAT A WEAKSHIT. :* purgaytory candidate ♡

    Cry about it~ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭