i loved this

altereden March 23, 2025 12:03 pm

the people talking about the ending being weird and complaining that they didn't get who ended up with who, haven't understood the manga at all. it doesn't matter, the story wasn't ever about any one relationship. it was about love. all types of it.

they broke up. there wasn't a clear reason. people drift apart. how many people actually end up with their highschool loves? yet it doesn't mean their love didn't exist. like futaba said, why can't people have many people precious to them? loves can evolve, your feelings can change. taichi wasn't ready to accept his feeling for touma then, but he still oved him. yet he also loved futaba though he eventually drifted apart from her. that's how life is. i personally love the ending. yea maybe we could have gotten some side stories, but it's alright. it was bittersweet but still real.
